Numbers in academic writing
The rules for using numbers in academic writing vary among academic disciplines. The
conventions described here are for NON-TECHNICAL academic prose where numbers are not a
significant focus. Scientific and technical writing will have their own conventions and students
should consult a manual dedicated to those standards. The main rules about the use of numbers in
standard academic writing are about:
1. When to write numbers in words
2. How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence
3. When to use digits for numbers
4. How to write numbers correctly
GRAMMAR CHECKERS will not help you with the acceptable presentation of numbers in
academic writing. You need to know and use the conventions for writing numbers correctly
when you are writing and proofreading your work.
1. When to write numbers in words
Write in words one or two-word numbers, rounded numbers and ordinal numbers
For general academic writing, you need to write these numbers in words: all numbers under one
hundred (e.g. ninety-nine) rounded numbers (e.g. four hundred, two thousand, six million) and
ordinal numbers (e.g. third, twenty-fifth). Exceptions: See 3. When to use digits for numbers
The country had been at war for twenty-five years. (number under 100)
Over four hundred soldiers were sent to the war zone. (rounded numbers)
The thirty-eighth battalion was sent to the war zone for the fourth time. (ordinal numbers)
Write in words numbers beginning a sentence
Either write the number in words, or if that’s awkward, then rewrite the sentence to avoid beginning
the sentence with a numeral. Exception: You can begin a sentence with a date.
130 student volunteers joined the university peace mission.
One hundred and thirty student volunteers joined the university peace mission.
75 percent of the rental properties were occupied by students.
Students occupied 75 percent of the rental properties in the town. (rewrite)
2008 was a good year to commence university studies. (beginning with a date)
Write in words approximate numbers and some times of the day
In non-technical academic writing, write in words the number for approximate figures (including
fractions) and for full, half and quarter hour times.
about half the students; a quarter of the university; four times as often; hundreds of times
six o’clock, half past six, quarter past seven, quarter to nine, midday, midnight
2. How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence
Avoid confusion when using two numbers together (run-on numbers) or when dealing
with several numbers in a single sentence
There were 32 third-grade students participating in the test. (run-on numbers)
The computer laboratory has 24 thirty-centimetre monitors.(run-on numbers)
At least 28 million people lived in the region where a 1500 dollar a year support allowance was given
for each student’s education fees. (Be consistentwrite both numbers in digits or words)
Teaching and Learning Support (TaLS) Fact Sheets
3. When to use digits for numbers
Use digits for numbers greater than one hundred and in the following situations
Use digits for Examples
Numbers above 100
Use digits (e.g. counted 3968 books on the shelves).
Use digits for exact amounts (e.g. $24.28), but use digits and words for
rounded and large amounts (e.g. 98 dollars; $15 million).
Use digits with a measurement symbol (e.g. 32
C or 32 degrees
centigrade; 6 cm or 6 centimetres).
Use 55%, 55 percent or fifty-five percent (e.g. Over 55% of students
passed the examination.).
Fractions & decimals
Fractions: Write in digits or words. If you use words, join the fraction
parts with a hyphen (e.g. ⅔ or two-thirds).
Decimals: Give exact amounts in digits (e.g. 0.45 not .45; 2.36).
Write survey results in digit form (e.g. A survey of participants revealed
that 4 out of 5 students worked.).
Write scores in digit form (e.g. Students scored from 8 to 75 out of 100.).
Use digits to describe statistical information (e.g. The survey focused on
90 teachers, 10 principals and 24 auxiliary staff from 20 different
Eras (time spans)
Choose from a variety of formats, but be consistent (e.g. the eighteenth
century or the 18
century; from the 1960s to the 1990s; during the
2000s; in 2300 BC [before Christ]; in 1770 AD [anno Domini, after
Use this order (day/month/year) consistently (e.g. Tuesday 23 February
Time of day
Choose from a variety of formats, but be consistent ( e.g. 9 am or 9.00
am or 8.22 pm). IF you are NOT using ‘am’ or ‘pm’, THEN WRITE OUT
THE TIME IN WORDS (e.g. the eight-thirty bus; four o’clock in the
afternoon). For midday and midnight, write in wordsdo not use 12 am
and 12 pm).
Spans of numbers
Use digits (e.g. pages: 5674, 115117; years: 18641899, 19982008;
streets 3699 Spa St).
Divisions in a book
Use digits to refer to divisions in books and plays (e.g. volume 5, chapter
6, page 45; act 2, scene 4).
4. How to write numbers correctly
Use particular conventions if you are required to write digits
a. Numbers 19999 do NOT use spaces or commas (e.g. 3333no spaces for four
digit numbers).
b. Numbers 10 000999 999 have a single space between the hundred and
thousands (e.g. There were 287 701 participants in the survey.).
c. Numbers from 1 000 000 have a single space between millions and thousands,
and between thousands and hundreds (e.g. The population of this Australian city
was 2 467 789 on the 3 December 2008.).
Use particular conventions if you are required to write numbers in words
a. Numbers greater than 999 that are written in words have a comma after the word
thousand and after the word million (e.g. 3 206 411 = three million, two hundred
and six thousand, four hundred and eleven).
b. Two digit numbers and fractions use hyphens (e.g. 94 = ninety-four; ⅜ = three-
Teaching and Learning Support (TaLS) Fact Sheets