NSW Auditor-General's Report to Parliament | Universities 2018 audits | Appendix three NSW universities, controlled entities and associated entities
Appendix three NSW universities,
controlled entities
and associated entities
Universities and their controlled entities are listed in the table below.
Entity Website
Charles Sturt University (CSU) www.csu.edu.au
Charles Sturt Campus Services Limited www.csu.edu.au/enterprise/cscs
The Charles Sturt University Foundation Trust
Macquarie University (MU) www.mq.edu.au
Access Macquarie Limited
Australian Proteome Analysis Facility Limited
CMBF Limited
COH Property Trust
Macquarie University Clinical Associates Limited
Macquarie University Hong Kong Foundation Limited
Macquarie University Investment Company No. 3 Pty Limited
Macquarie University Property Investment Company Pty Limited
Macquarie University Property Investment Trust
MGSM Limited www.hotel.mgsm.edu.au
MQ Health Pty Ltd www.mqhealth.org.au
MUH Operations Pty Ltd
MUPH Clinic Pty Limited
MUPH Hospital Pty Ltd
U@MQ Limited
Southern Cross University (SCU) www.scu.edu.au
Southern Cross Campus Services Limited
University of New England (UNE) www.une.edu.au
Agricultural Business Research Institute www.abri.une.edu.au
UNE Foundation
UNE Foundation Ltd
UNE Life Pty Ltd www.unelife.com.au
UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd www.unep.edu.au
University of New South Wales (UNSW) www.unsw.edu.au
Australian Education Consultancy Limited www.aecl.com.hk
Cystemix Pty Limited
NewSouth Innovations Pty Limited www.innovations.unsw.edu.au
NSW Minerals Industry / UNSW Education Trust
Qucor Pty Limited
NSW Auditor-General's Report to Parliament | Universities 2018 audits | Appendix three NSW universities, controlled entities and associated entities
Entity Website
Scientia Clinical Research Limited www.scientiaclinicalresearch.com.au
UK Foundation of UNSW Australia www.giving.unsw.edu.au
University of NSW Foundation Ltd www.giving.unsw.edu.au
University of NSW Foundation Trust www.giving.unsw.edu.au
University of NSW Press Ltd www.unswpress.com
UNSW and Study Abroad Friends and US Alumni Inc www.giving.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Centre for Transformational Technologies (Yixing) www.ctet.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Global (Singapore) Pte Limited www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Global India Private Limited www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Global Pty Limited www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Hong Kong Foundation Limited www.giving.unsw.edu.au
UNSW Hong Kong Limited www.giving.unsw.edu.au
UNSW SinoAustralia Innovative Technology and Education
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd
University of Newcastle (UON) www.newcastle.edu.au
UON Singapore Pte Ltd www.newcastle.edu.au/singapore
The University of Newcastle Research Associates Ltd tunra.com.au
University of Sydney (USYD) www.sydney.edu.au
A14 Holdings Pty Ltd
Kolling Joint Venture Management Pty Limited
Suzhou Xi Su Business Consulting Co http://sydneyuniversity.cn/
SydneyLearning Pty Ltd
Sydney Talent Pty Ltd
Warren Centre of Advanced Engineering Ltd www.thewarrencentre.org.au
Westmead IVF www.westmeadivf.com.au
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) www.uts.edu.au
accessUTS Pty Ltd https://accessuts.com.au
lnsearch (Shanghai) Limited www.insearch.edu.au
lnsearch Education lnternational Pty Limited www.insearch.edu.au
lnsearch India www.insearch.edu.au
lnsearch Limited www.insearch.edu.au
Piivot Pty Ltd
UTS Beijing Ltd
UTS Global Pty Ltd
University of Wollongong (UOW) www.uow.edu.au
CCCU Deed of Trust www.uowenterprises.com.au
The Sydney Business School Pty Ltd https://sydneybusinessschool.edu.au
The University of Wollongong USA Foundation https://uowusafoundation.org
University of Wollongong Recreation and Aquatic Centre Limited
NSW Auditor-General's Report to Parliament | Universities 2018 audits | Appendix three NSW universities, controlled entities and associated entities
Entity Website
UOW College Hong Kong Ltd (formerly CCCU Ltd) www.uowenterprises.com.au
UOW Pulse Limited https://pulse.uow.edu.au
UOWC Ltd www.uowenterprises.com.au
UOWD Ltd www.uowenterprises.com.au
UW Asset Trust
Western Sydney University (WSU) www.westernsydney.edu.au
Western Growth Developments (Innovation Hub Parramatta) Pty Ltd
Western Growth Developments (Westmead) Pty Ltd
Western Sydney University Early Learning Ltd
Western Sydney University Enterprises Pty Limited (The College)
Western Unlimited Limited
Whitlam Institute Within Western Sydney University Limited www.whitlam.org
Whitlam Institute Within Western Sydney University Trust www.whitlam.org
Other entities associated with universities which are audited under the PF&A Act are listed below.
Other entity Associated universities
AustLII Foundation Limited University of New South Wales
University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney Education Broadcasting Limited Macquarie University
University of Technology, Sydney
United States Study Centre Limited University of Sydney