Mobile App
Prepared for:
[Client Name], [Company Name]
Prepared by:
[Sender Name]. [Sender Company]
Prepared on: 2022-01-11 Valid until: 2022-01-11
Nice to Meet You!
Dear [Client Name],
It's our pleasure to introduce you to [Agency Name] and our team. It's great to have the
opportunity to work with you on your mobile application. We'll do our best to provide enough
details in this Proposal, so you have a clear understanding of the work process, final
deliverables, and how your ideas will be translated into mobile design and code.
As you read through this document some questions or ideas may come to mind, please, don't
hesitate to ask or share those with us. Client feedback is of great importance for us. It allows us
to better understand our clients' needs and improve on aspects and details that are important
for you.
[Agency Name]
[Manager Name]
[Agency Email]
[Agency Phone]
Client Testimonials
Here's what few of our many clients say about their experience with us. If you would like to
receive a letter of recommendation from any of them, please, let us know.
I'm pretty confident that [Agency Name] is one of the best
mobile application development agencies in Chicago. Our
business is not that close to mobile internet technologies and
[Agency Name] held our hand during the whole development
process. They were quick with excellent solutions to our
many requests and connected really well with our design and
marketing teams. Extremely quick and efficient service!
— Jonathan Reese, Chicago Gas Company
[Agency Name] did excellent work with the development of
our new mobile app. Can't recommend highly enough!
— Rent-a-Bike, Seattle, WA
Thank you [Agency Name] for your patience, passion and
professionalism while working with us on our mobile
— Garry Smith, Outdoor Lighting & Co
App Development
This square here is to introduce the person who'll be responsible for the client's
project. It's important that you show the human face of your agency and that you are
not a faceless team of disposable programmers. Listen to your client and ask follow-up
questions. Show interest in their business, the challenges they have, and try to think
how your work with them will contribute to their bottom line. You can insert a short bio
for the dedicated project manager and even a nice photo.
The modern internet user is the mobile internet user. Everything you want to access the internet
for is now accessible through your smartphone/tablet. There is a mobile application for every
single service you can imagine - from booking hotels and concert tickets to buying cars and real
estate. Whatever you're looking for on the internet there's a mobile application for it.
[Agency Name] was found when mobile applications were in their infancy. We grew with the
industry and established ourselves as one of the leading mobile applications development
agencies in the (City, State, or Country). The greater part of our programming team consists of
engineers with 5+ years of active mobile development experience, while new colleagues are
joining us all the time bringing new energy and new ideas with them.
Our Expertise
We are serious about what we do and we put a lot of effort into our work. We know that
delivering a bug-free application that works flawlessly on every modern smartphone or tablet
requires great programming skills as well as thorough testing and upgrades.
Our engineers will be working on your mobile application, while your dedicated project manager
will be in contact with you to communicate the development progress and discuss any change
requests and additions.
Project Brief
App Design
We will sit with you and put together a detailed project brief about
how you envision your mobile application. In order for us to create
the mobile app that will work best for you, we'll need to know in
detail what you expect from it and how you want it to entertain,
engage or convert your prospects to paid clients.
We'll have to get a better understanding of your business, your
main competitors, their mobile applications, and the different
types of buying personas that you interact with. Once all this is in
place, we'll be able to start with the mobile application design.
At this stage, we'll have to work on your mobile application
design. This is when we'll create the structure of the app. It's very
important that all details are cleared while we're working on the
design, instead of going back to them when the development has
The design of the mobile application has to be consistent with
your overall brand image and the design of the rest of the digital
marketing channels that you have developed for your business -
website, marketing emails, social media presence.
At the design stage, we'll work on the UX and UI for your mobile
application. In general, this is how the user interacts with the
application, how easy to access its menus is and how engaging
the app is.
QA Round &
Marketing Plan
Project Schedule
We are at the final stretch. At the Quality Assurance stage, we'll
thoroughly test the application to make sure that everything
works as per your specifications.
However, a bigger concern is how will people know that you've
launched a new mobile application. It's time to do some
marketing planning.
We'll have to sit together again and have our marketing
strategists and your marketing team collaborate and prepare the
best marketing campaign for your mobile app launch.
Project Stages Time
Project Brief Review 3 days
Design Stage 10 days
Programming Stage 15 days
QA and Marketing Plan 5-6 days
App Development
At this stage, your work is done and the programming has
started. Hopefully, all details are cleared and no changes will be
suggested as we work on the programming. Most probably the
communication will slow down substantially, as we'll need bigger
chunks of time to present any meaningful, visual results. After the
mobile application development is completed we'll pass the app
to you and to our QA team for testing and bug fixing.
A ballpark estimate is that it will take 30 working days to design,
develop and test your mobile application. We're ready to start
work as soon as you accept this Proposal. Here's a breakdown
of how much time each stage of the mobile app development
process will take:
Project Costs
One of our goals when working with you is to give you maximum value for your money. Find
below a breakdown of the projected development costs. Let us know if you want to comment on
this point before you sign the Proposal.
App Designs
App Development
Marketing Plan
Government Tax 10%:
Payment Terms
We usually split the project payments into three installments. The first two should be paid
upfront and the last one upon project completion: Payment 1. Before starting the design phase.
Payment 2. Before starting the programming phase. Payment 3. Upon mobile application
All invoices will be issued in USD. Our accounts receivable team will expect your payment
within a 30 day period of the issue date on the invoice.
Change Requests
Any changes in the agreed project scope may affect the project costs and will delay the project
Any information exchanged between [Agency name] and [Client Company] during the process
of this mobile application development must be considered confidential. No project details
should be shared outside the two teams engaged in this project. The employees of both
companies should have NDAs signed in place, before the start of the project. Confidential
information won't be considered such if it's already publicly available or if any of the parties
already have possession of this said information.
By signing below, you agree to accept this proposal for mobile app development and any
modifications already agreed upon with [Sender.Company].
[Client Company]
11 Jan 2022
[Client Name]