Student Appeals, Complaints, and Grievances
Student Resources and Support Services
Issues related to Threatening, Harmful, Violent Behavior,
Sexual Misconduct, or Discrimination
Members of the University of Colorado Denver community are encouraged to report any
incident of threatening or harmful behavior to the administrator closest to the situation. Students
on the Denver Campus are encouraged to call Auraria Campus Police at 303-556-5000 or text-a-
tip to 720-593-8477. Students on the Anschutz Campus can contact University Police at 303-
Additional resources include the Ombuds Office at 303-315-0046 and the Office of Human
Resources at 303-315-2700.
The university employs staff members trained to respond to issues related to discrimination,
harassment and sexual misconduct. The Director of Equity and the Title IX Coordinator oversee
the development, implementation and evaluation of the policies, procedures and training efforts,
and will refer all concerns to a trained Office of Equity staff member. To report a concern to the
Office of Equity students may submit the online report form, email [email protected] or call
303-315-2567. Visit the Office of Equity website for more information, including confidential
resources available to assist individuals impacted by these behaviors.
The University of Colorado prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct including:
Sexual assault, non-consensual sexual intercourse
Sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact
Sexual exploitation
Intimate partner abuse, including dating and domestic violence
Sexual harassment, including quid pro quo and hostile environment
Retaliation related to any form of sexual misconduct
The University of Colorado prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender
expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy.
Relevant Policies
University of Colorado System Sexual Misconduct Policy
Nondiscrimination Policy
Anti-Violence Policy
Disability Accommodation
Duty to Report Criminal and Threatening Behavior
Guidelines for Assisting Students with Pregnancy and Parenting
Resources and Support Services
Issues related to Disabilities or Disability Accommodations
Students with disabilities are encouraged to utilize all the appropriate accommodations. The
Office of Disability Resources and Services on the Denver Campus and Anschutz Medical
Campus work with members of the campus community to identify solutions to attitudinal and
architectural barriers that might impede student participation in curricular and co-curricular
activities. Students can contact the office by phone or email:
Denver Campus phone: 303-315-3510; email: [email protected].
Anschutz Medical Campus phone: 303-724-8428
If a student believes the accommodation(s) provided are not reasonable, they may request a
review of the decision.
Denver Campus Grievance Policy
Anschutz Medical Campus Grievance Policy
Issues related to Student Conduct and Community Standards
or Disruptive Behavior
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards serves as a resource to the entire
university community through its efforts to meet the developmental and educational needs of
students related to community expectations, civility and respect for self and others. This office
responds to inappropriate and threatening behaviors.
Relevant Policies/Documents
Student Code of Conduct (Denver Campus)
Disruptive Behavior Policy (Denver Campus)
Academic Integrity Policy (Denver Campus)
Housing & Dining Resident Handbook (Denver Campus)
Issues related to Academic Integrity or Academic Misconduct
Academic Integrity and Discipline Policies
A university’s reputation is built on a standing tradition of excellence and scholastic integrity. As
members of the university academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to
maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in completing all forms
of academic work at the university. Academic dishonesty is academic in nature and students are
encouraged to contact their academic advisor for details of how policies and procedures differ
from one college to another.
For issues and concerns related to student conduct and academic performance, students may file
a grievance or appeal according to the procedures described by their program, school or college.
Reporting Suspected Violations of Student Honor Code
A student who suspect or observe violations of academic ethics should report them to the
instructor, the department chair or the Office of the Dean of the applicable school or college. For
Denver Campus undergraduates, academic policies and procedures and school/college specific
policies can be found in the Academic Catalog or students can contact their advisor or the
Dean’s Office for the code and procedures. For graduate students, honor code guidelines are
provided by the Graduate School.
Relevant Policy
Academic Integrity Policy (Denver Campus Undergraduates)
Academic Integrity Expectations and Honor Code Guidelines (Graduate Students)
Issues related to Professionalism in the Teaching, Clinical or
Research Environment
CU Anschutz students can contact the Office of Professional Excellence to discuss concerns
related to professionalism in the teaching, clinical, or research setting. The office provides
consultation and conflict resolution and remediation services.
Phone: 303-724-4PRO (4776)
Email: [email protected]
Issues related to Grades, Exam Procedures, Attendance, or
Class Policies
Individual faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas and are
charged with carrying out those responsibilities in a professional manner. Dean's offices have the
authority and responsibility to deal with changes of grades in special cases such as those which
might involve faculty who have left the university or unprofessional faculty conduct in assigning
the grade. However, students should be aware that neither Department Chairs nor Deans can
require an instructor to change a properly assigned course grade. Course grades, test grades, and
assignment grades are determined solely by the instructor.
The campus has standing policies on faculty accommodation for religious and disability reasons.
If a student has a complaint in these areas and it is not resolved at the department or
school/college level, the student can contact the Office of Equity or Office of Disability
Resources and Services.
Office of Equity; phone: 303-315-2567
Denver Campus Office of Disability Resources and Services; phone: 303-315-3510
Anschutz Medical Campus Office of Disability Resources and Services; phone: 303-724-
Grades and Academic Probation & Suspension
For Denver Campus undergraduates, information on Academic Standing is available in the
Academic Catalog. For issues and concerns related to academic performance, including grade
appeals, students may file a grievance or appeal according to the procedures described by their
program, college or school.
Graduate students on both the Denver Campus and Anschutz Medical Campus can appeal
suspension, termination/dismissal, or denial of progression based on unsatisfactory academic
performance, according to Graduate School procedures. If students have questions about the
process, they should contact the Graduate School at 303-315-2183.
Process for Grade Appeals
Student follows grade appeal process or student grievance process in the home school or college.
1. Discuss concerns with the faculty member.
2. If the issue is not resolved after a conversation with the faculty member, discuss concerns
with the department chair.
3. If the issue is not resolved after a conversation with the department chair, discuss
concerns with the associate dean.
Relevant Policies/Documents
Academic Probation and Suspension for Undergraduates (Denver Campus)
Academic Probation and Suspension Process Undergraduate Catalog (Denver Campus)
Grade Forgiveness (Denver Campus)
Student Attendance and Absences (Denver Campus)
Issues related to Faculty Behavior, Faculty Performance,
Teaching, or Course Content
Whenever possible, a student should begin with the individual faculty member to discuss and
resolve the problem together. If this direct effort fails, a student may contact the department
chair. If the problem is not resolved at this level, the student may contact the appropriate Dean's
office. Most schools and colleges have a formalized process that typically requires a written
complaint. Students usually do not personally address these issues with a Dean, Associate Dean
or Assistant Dean. Student appeals regarding academic decisions made by a Dean's office may
be referred to a faculty committee for examination. This step typically constitutes the end of the
formal appeals and grievance process.
If the complaint involves allegations of sexual harassment or discrimination by a faculty
member, the student should contact the Office of Equity at or at 303-315-
If the allegations relate to a disability or disability accommodations, the student should contact
the Office of Disability Resources and Services.
Denver Campus phone: 303-315-3510; email: disabilit[email protected].
Anschutz Medical Campus phone: 303-724-8428
Issues related to Academic Records or Course Credit
For questions or issues related to the awarding of course credit, transfer credit, or credit for prior
learning, or issues related to the awarding of transcripts or degrees, students should contact the
Office of the Registrar at [email protected] or 303-315-5969.
Relevant Policies/Documents
Academic Catalog (Denver Campus undergraduates)
Transferring Undergraduate Credit
Colorado Community College Transfer Guarantee (Denver Campus)
Awarding Graduate Credit from Prior Learning Sources
Issues related to Class Availability or Class Scheduling
A student should contact the appropriate departmental office. If questions or problems are not
resolved, the student may then contact the relevant Dean's office.
Issues related to Online or Distance Education
Students are encouraged to initially address complaints and grievances relating to academics,
consumer protection or other university policies with the specific individuals or units most
directly connected with the issue at hand unless there are good reasons for not doing so, such as a
desire to maintain anonymity.
CU Denver is a member of NC-SARA, the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity
Agreements and follows policies of NC-SARA, which afford students the right to file a
complaint or grievance. Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws offered under
the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first
be filed with the institution to seek resolution.
Students residing outside of Colorado: If a student residing outside Colorado has a complaint
that involves distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of SARA, the
student must file a complaint with the institution first to seek resolution. If the person bringing a
complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the university’s internal processes, a complaint
may be filed with university’s SARA portal entity at the Colorado Department of Higher
Examples of types of student complaints that may be brought to the SARA portal entity include
veracity of recruitment and marketing materials, job placement data, accuracy of information
about tuition, fees, and financial aid, accuracy of course transfer information. Complaints and
appeals involving grades or student conduct violations will not be reviewed by the SARA portal
Further information on SARA and the SARA complaint process:
SARA and Students
SARA Complaint Process
If all other avenues provided have been exhausted, unresolved complaints may be filed with
the Higher Learning Commission, the university’s regional accreditor.
Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604
Telephone: 800-621-7440
Issues related to Academic Advising
Most advising units are positioned within schools/colleges and their operations, processes, and
procedures are supervised by separate directors, associate deans, or deans. Each advising unit
employs a variety of professional advisors, faculty, and para-professionals who provide advising
services to students. The exception is the Center for Undergraduate Exploration and Advising,
which provides advising services for students who are still deciding on a major, pre-architecture
students, and first-year students in the College of Arts &Media (CAM) with fewer than 30 credit
If student has a question or concern related to advising, the student should begin with their
advisor to discuss and resolve the problem together. If this direct effort fails, a student may then
contact the Dean’s Office. Students with concerns about advising services offered by the Center
for Undergraduate Exploration and Advising may contact the Office of Academic Achievement.
Issues related to Tuition & Fees, Student Billing, Financial
Aid, or Scholarships
Tuition Appeals
Students are responsible for abiding by the published deadlines. Tuition is not refundable when
students drop or withdraw from courses after the published deadlines. If circumstances beyond
the student’s control have made the late drop or withdraw necessary, the student may file a
tuition appeal.
Instructions and forms for submitting a tuition appeal are available in the Office of the Registrar
on the fifth floor of the Student Commons Building. Completed tuition appeals packets must be
submitted to the tuition appeals coordinator in the registrar’s office within six months following
the end of the term being appealed.
Helpful Resources
Tuition Appeal Guidelines
Medical Withdrawals
College Opportunity Fund
Relevant Policies
Tuition Appeals (Denver Campus)
Enrollment and Billing (Denver Campus)
Medical Withdrawal Policy (Denver Campus)
Billing/Bursar's Office
Grievances related to billing issues should first be directed the Bursar’s Office. If the issue has
not been resolved to the student’s satisfaction, they may ask to speak with an Associate Director.
If the issue is not resolved by an Associate Director, the appeal may be then be escalated to the
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Grievances related to financial aid and scholarships should first be directed to an Assistant
Director of the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. If the issue cannot be resolved by an
Assistant Director, the appeal may be then be escalated to the Director.
If a student is unable to resolve a grievance with the appropriate office, the Ombuds Office
provides a safe, independent and confidential resource for all students, and can assist with
resolving or managing conflict and with clarifying policies.
Relevant Policy
Financial Aid Awarded by Schools, Programs, and Departments (Denver Campus)
Issues related to Pregnancy or Parenting
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 bars discrimination on the basis of sex, which
includes the guarantee of equal educational opportunity to pregnant and parenting students. The
university offers protections for pregnant and parenting students, including those with
pregnancy-related conditions.
Students in need of accommodations related to pregnancy or any individual who is aware of a
violation of university policy related to pregnancy or parenting should contact the Office of
Equity at [email protected] or at 303-315-2567.
Relevant Policy
Guidelines for Assisting Students with Pregnancy and Parenting
Issues related to Student Medical Leave, Medical Withdrawal
Students diagnosed with either physical or psychological medical conditions that significantly
impact their safety or ability to be academically successful are eligible to petition for a medical
withdrawal or medical leave of absence.
Questions can be directed to the Office of Case Management staff.
Denver Campus: 303-315-7312
Anschutz Medical Campus: 303-724-8488
Relevant Policies
Medical Withdrawal Policy (Denver Campus)
Medical Leave of Absence Policy (Anschutz Medical Campus)
Issues related to Student Employment
The maximum number of hours a student employee may work during a fall or spring semester is
25 hours per week or 50 hours per bi-weekly payroll period, provided no single week in that
period exceed 40 work hours. During the summer the maximum number of hours a student can
work is 40 work hours.
If you have questions or concerns related to student employment, you can talk with a department
supervisor or contact the Student Employment Office at [email protected] or
Relevant Policies/Documents
Student Employee Work Hours Policy
Student Employee Handbook
Issues related to Housing, Dining, or Residence Life
Students with questions or problems related to university housing should first speak with their
Resident Assistant. If the Resident Assistant is unable to resolve the issue, students may contact
the Office of Housing and Dining at or 303-315-5272.
Relevant Policies/Documents
Housing & Dining Resident Handbook
Missing Residential Student Notification Policy
Issues related to Criminal Activity or Police Services
Members of the university community are encouraged to report criminal activity to the campus
police department. The university maintains a full-service police department that is committed
to protecting the health and safety of the campus community. The Denver Campus is also served
by the Auraria Campus Police Department.
In an emergency, students should call 9-1-1. For non-emergency police matters, students can
contact the University Police Department at 303-724-4444 or the Auraria Campus Police
Department at 303-556-5000. Additionally, information on how to report emergency or urgent
situations can be found on the University Police Department website.
Confidential Reporting - Victims who do not wish to pursue campus disciplinary or criminal
action, but who wish to document the details of an incident with the University, may file a report
with the University Police Department anonymously at 303-724-0800. If an individual would
like to block the number they are calling from, they should dial *67 before making the call.
Students on the Denver Campus can also submit an online crime or theft report to the Auraria
Campus police. The crime reporting form can be submitted without identifying information to
allow a fully anonymous report and investigation to take place.
Online Crime Report
Online Theft Report
Complaints & Feedback
Students can submit complaints for feedback about University Police using an online form.
The Auraria Campus Police Department also welcomes feedback and encourages the community
to report concerns or issues to the department. All complaints will be documented and
investigated. To file a complaint, a student may call the main number at 303-556-5000 or visit
the Auraria Campus Police Department at 1201 5
Street, Suite 110 and ask to speak to one of
the ACPD Supervisors. They will assist in documenting the concern for further consideration.
Students may also email complaints and feedback to professionalsta[email protected].
Issues related to Financial Management or Fiscal Misconduct
The CU EthicsLine provides a way to anonymously report concerns involving fiscal misconduct,
violations of state or federal law, serious or recurring violations of university policy or gross
waste of university funds or property. The reporting service is provided by EthicsPoint, an
independent company that provides similar services for hundreds of companies and universities.
To report a concern 24/7, call 1-800-677-5590 or go online
Reporting Complaints Outside the University
Complaints to the Colorado Department of Higher Education
The Colorado Department of Higher Education provides a web-accessible complaint form.
Before submitting a complaint with the Department of Higher Education, students should
attempt to explore all opportunities to resolve complaints available at the university.
Complaints to the Institutional Accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission
The university’s accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission provides a web-accessible
complaint form for complaints related to accrediting issues. The Commission cannot assist you
in understanding your tuition bill, arranging for a refund of tuition, obtaining a higher grade for a
course, seeking reinstatement to an academic program or other similar issues.
Student Resources and Support Services
The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team helps students address
their health and safety needs. The team assists those in need and, in particular, individuals
who pose a risk to themselves or others. The team takes a preventative approach to risk
assessment by offering resources, referrals, and support to both the concerning individual
and those impacted by their behavior.
The Ombuds Office provides a safe, independent and confidential resource for
all students of the university community. It can assist students with resolving or
managing conflict and with clarifying policies and obligations to report.
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards oversees concerns on and off
campus for issues related to the student code of conduct as well as disruptive, or
concerning behavior in any learning environment.
The CU Denver Student & Community Counseling Center provides mental health
counseling services to CU Denver students and the Denver Metro community.
The Office of Case Management on the Anschutz Medical Campus collaborates with
schools and colleges to ensure students have access to resources that help them navigate
challenging experiences.
The Health Center at Auraria provides medical services to all students, faculty and staff
of the Auraria Campus, and is committed to caring for each member of this diverse
community with sensitivity and respect, cognizant of the cultural and interpersonal
aspects of good health care.
The Health Center at Auraria Victim Assistance Program provides support and
resources for survivors of interpersonal violence. Phone: 303-352-HELP (4357). After-
hours: 303-352-4455.
The Phoenix Center at Auraria (PCA) provides free and confidential assistance to
survivors of interpersonal violence. Phone: 303-315-7250 | 24/7 Helpline: 303-556-
CALL (2255).
You at CU offers online resources to support physical and mental health.
NightRider Service provides a safe evening shuttle service to and from CU Denver
buildings and parking lots. Phone: 303-556-2001.
Students, residents, and fellows on the Anschutz Medical Campus can receive mental
health services from the School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry. To request an
appointment, individuals can call 303-724-4716 or email [email protected].
CU Anschutz Shares is a resource for students facing temporary financial hardship that
threatens their ability to successfully complete the semester.
The Victim Assistance Unit of Denver Police provides immediate intervention, support,
information, referrals and other assistance to victims of crime, witnesses and/or their
families including incidents of non-criminal, stark misfortune. Phone: 720-913-6035.
The Blue Bench (formerly RAAP): is a comprehensive sexual assault prevention and
support center, and provides a sexual assault hotline and resources. 24/7 Hotline: 303-
The Rose Andom Center is a place for domestic violence victims to find the safety,
support, and services needed to rebuild their lives and heal their families. Phone: 720-
Colorado Crisis Services provides confidential and immediate support, 24/7/365 by
phone, text, chat or in person at walk-in centers.