ConsumerView API
Developer Guide
ConsumerView API Developer Guide
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1 Getting started 5
1.1 What is ConsumerView? 5
1.2 What is the ConsumerView API? 5
1.3 Purpose of this document 7
1.4 Document audience and pre-requisites 7
1.5 Getting a ConsumerView API account 8
1.5.1 Neartime domain names 8
1.5.2 Talking with your Experian Account Manager 8
1.5.3 Setting up your account 9
2 Logging in and changing the password 10
2.1 Logging in 10
2.1.1 About the log in request 10
2.1.2 Log in response 11
2.2 Changing the password 11
2.2.1 About the change password request 11
2.2.2 About the change password response 13
2.2.3 Processing the change password response 13
3 Sending and processing single asset lookups 14
3.1 Types of lookup request 14
3.1.1 Single record lookup request 14
3.1.2 Batch record lookup request 14
3.2 Input data required in a lookup request 14
3.2.1 Types of data 14
3.2.2 Authorisation data 15
3.2.3 Search data 15
3.2.4 Flags data (optional) 17
3.3 Using a single record lookup request 19
3.3.1 About the request 19
3.3.2 About the response 21
3.4 Using a batch record lookup request 22
3.4.1 About the request 22
3.4.2 About the response 24
3.5 Processing the response data 26
3.5.1 Matched responses 26
3.5.2 About the Match flag 27
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3.5.3 Postcode-dominant variables and infilling 27
3.5.4 Non-matched and error responses 27
4 Sending and processing multi-asset lookups 28
4.1 Introduction 28
4.2 Input data required in a multi-asset lookup request 28
4.3 Using a single record, multi-asset lookup request 28
4.3.1 About the request 28
4.3.2 About the response 31
4.4 Processing the response data 34
4.4.1 Matched responses 34
4.4.2 Non-matched and error responses 34
5 HTTP responses 36
5.1 Introduction 36
5.2 200 (OK) responses 37
5.2.1 200 Fully-matched lookup (batch record) 37
5.2.2 200 Fully-matched lookup (single record, multi-asset) 37
5.2.3 200 Fully-non-matched lookup (batch record) 39
5.2.4 200 Fully-non-matched lookup (single record, multi-asset) 39
5.2.5 200 Matched lookup (single record, single asset) 40
5.2.6 200 Non-matched lookup (single record, single asset) 40
5.2.7 200 Non-matched lookup (0-byte) 41
5.2.8 200 Partially-matched lookup (batch record) 41
5.2.9 200 Partially-matched lookup (single record, multi-asset) 42
5.2.10 200 Successful change password 43
5.2.11 200 Successful log in 43
5.3 400 (Bad Request) responses 43
5.3.1 400 Bad parameters, invalid 43
5.3.2 400 Invalid input 43
5.4 401 (Unauthorized) responses 44
5.4.1 401 Asset Not Found. 44
5.4.2 401 Invalid token 44
5.4.3 401 Unauthorized Asset. 45
5.4.4 401 Unauthorized Client 45
5.4.5 401 Unauthorized Client, null token 46
5.4.6 401 Unsuccessful, bad token or new password invalid 46
5.5 404 (Not Found) response 47
5.6 405 (Method Not Allowed) response 47
5.7 417 (Expectation Failed) responses 48
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5.7.1 417 Batch limit exceeded 48
5.7.2 417 Incorrect JSON 48
5.7.3 417 Missing parameters or invalid 48
5.8 429 (Too Many Requests) response 49
5.9 500 (Internal Server Error) responses 49
5.9.1 500 Internal Server Error 49
5.9.2 500 Problem with authentication 50
5.9.3 500 Problem with login 50
5.10 503 (Service Unavailable) responses 51
5.10.1 503 Internal refresh in progress 51
5.10.2 503 Server error 51
A Dummy data 52
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1 Getting started
1.1 What is ConsumerView?
Experian’s ConsumerView is a database of:
A wide range of demographic, socio-economic, and behavioural variables for UK
individuals at person-, household- and postcode-levels. The data provides a
single, definitive, and consistent view of the UK adult population and helps clients
to target, segment, and enrich their view of UK consumers.
A diverse range of different modelled person-level propensities. Propensities use
a score, a percentile, or a Yes/No flag to identify the likelihood of an individual to
display a particular characteristic. Propensities cover areas as diverse as
employment type, channel marketing preference, smart phone ownership and
pension fund valuation.
Clients use ConsumerView to tailor their marketing communications and improve
customer experience. The data is actionable and directly linked to a large database of
consented compliant direct marketing data (email and direct mail).
Most of the person-, household- and postcode-level variables in the Experian
ConsumerView database are updated monthly, while others are updated quarterly or
annually. Propensities are updated annually.
1.2 What is the ConsumerView API?
The ConsumerView API is a secure Web-based software interface which allows users
to enrich their customer data with a wide range of demographic, socio-demographic,
life stage and lifestyle variables. The user can send a request for a single consumer or
more than one consumer (i.e. batch record request). The API is hosted on Experian’s
Neartime server which offers access to several datasets including ConsumerView.
The speed of the response for a single consumer request is typically less than 200 ms
i.e. near real-time.
The API is primarily intended for clients who want to create their own bespoke Web-
based or desktop applications and make use of the ConsumerView data. The API
forms an integral component of these applications, allowing users to obtain near real-
time ConsumerView data about selected UK consumers, e.g. the client’s customer
These bespoke applications can extract, validate, and use the ConsumerView data for
the client’s own purposes. In its simplest form, the data could be used to create a
consumer report to populate charts and graphs and determine the selection of
representative images or other visual media. More sophisticated uses of the data
could be to provide analysis of the returned data to give a decisioning capability, such
as targeting mailshots, bespoke advertising, sales scripts, website personalisation and
lead prioritisation; or to provide profiles of the client’s customer base.
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A description of all the ConsumerView variables and propensities that are currently
available on the API are described in the ConsumerView API Variables and
Propensities Reference Guide. However, the actual variables and propensities to
which the client has access are subscription-dependent and based on the type of data
they are interested in.
Clients who want to use the API, must first apply to obtain a Neartime Service
account. Clients need to choose which ConsumerView variables and propensities that
they want to subscribe and access, and how they want to use the API. The variables
and propensities selected by the client are bundled into one or more assets,
depending on the client’s requirements, and given a unique ID known as an asset ID.
Refer to the process flow diagram below.
For a successful log in, the API sends an authenticated token which you can then
use for lookup requests. Each token has a lifetime of up to 30 minutes, after
which you must send a subsequent log in request.
Once logged in, you can query the API by supplying your SSO ID (Single Sign On
ID) and client ID; the name and address details of a single consumer or more
than one consumer you want to find; and the asset ID which identifies the
licensed variables and propensities you want returned in a matching response.
Client bespoke
eb-based or
desktop application
Output from
Log in request (username and password)
Log in response (token)
Lookup request (SSO ID, client ID, asset ID and name/address data)
Lookup response (matched ConsumerView data)
ConsumerView API server cluster
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The API returns the values of the variables and propensities defined in the asset
that match the consumer(s) identified in the lookup request.
The values of the matching ConsumerView data are extracted from the response
and used within your bespoke application to create the required output, e.g. a
report, bespoke mailshot, advertising, or sales script.
You can also send a lookup request for more than one asset at a time. This is known
as a multi-asset request and has the advantage of the application receiving all of the
data in one request, rather than having to send individual single record requests for
each asset. The assets can be associated with any dataset or API to which you
subscribe, with the exception of the Catalist API. Multi-asset requests use a different
endpoint to single and batch lookup requests. Multi-asset lookups are only supported
for single record requests and not batch record requests.
1.3 Purpose of this document
This document provides technical information about:
how to get an API account;
the log in request and response, including examples;
the single record lookup request and the response, including examples;
the batch record lookup request and the response; including examples;
the various HTTP responses that may be received from the API. For error
responses this includes possible causes and their resolution.
Note: For information about all ConsumerView variables and propensities supported
by the API, refer to the ConsumerView API Variables and Propensities Reference
Guide. This includes a description of each variable and propensity and its possible
values, as well as the name given to the variable or propensity in the response data,
and a typical example response.
1.4 Document audience and pre-requisites
This document is intended to be used by developers wanting to use the API in their
own bespoke Web-based or desktop applications.
There are many ways to create the HTTP requests needed to log in and query the API
and to consume the responses. This can be from simple browser development tools
and add-ins, tools and libraries such as cURL and JQuery, to development
environments for programming languages such C# and Java which provide libraries
that include creating instances of an HTTP client or Web request.
It follows, therefore, that any API guide cannot be too prescriptive and can only give
the ‘bare bones’ of information about the API. For this reason, the request examples
used in this guide are in the Windows version of cURL. However, sufficient information
is given about the construction of each HTTP request to allow you to build them using
any preferred language or tool.
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It is expected that you have a good understanding of:
HTTP terminology and the general construct of POST method requests, including
HTTP responses.
The JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format and syntax and the notion of key
and value pairs.
The cURL (Client URL) library, its installation, and its command line syntax. The
examples in this guide uses the Windows version of cURL, but of course there
are other versions including those for Linux and Python (urlLib2).
1.5 Getting a ConsumerView API account
1.5.1 Neartime domain names
You can ask to be registered to two Neartime Service domains: is the domain name for the Stage environment.
You can use the Stage environment for testing purposes. is domain name for the Live environment. When
you have finished testing your application, you can switch to the URL for the Live
1.5.2 Talking with your Experian Account Manager
If you want to use the API you must first talk with your Experian Account Manager.
The conversation will initially involve finding out:
which API variables and propensities you want to use;
the type of lookup request you want to use (single record, batch record or both).
You will also be asked about the bundling of the variables and propensities you intend
to use into one or more assets. Each asset you have is given a unique ID.
Asset IDs let you make an API request for the variables and propensities in that asset.
For example, you could put all variables and propensities that you have licensed or
paid to use into a single asset. Alternatively, you could put the variables into two or
more assets grouped by level (postcode-, household-, and person-) or by type (e.g.
demographic, financial and segmentations etc). You could use a similar notion for any
propensities you have licensed or paid to use or include them in assets that will
contain variables.
Each variable or propensity can be assigned to one or more assets, i.e. the same
variable or propensity could be in several assets depending upon your requirements.
Of course, if you have more than one asset you would need to send more than one
lookup request (one per asset) to get all your data for a consumer or use a multi-asset
The number of assets you want created, and what they contain is largely decided by
how you want to use the data. If required, you can also change the number of assets
and what they contain at a later date.
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1.5.3 Setting up your account
Registering the Neartime Service
Your Experian Account Manager will apply to the Experian Helpdesk and ask them to
set up your account on the Experian Plexus Administration Site and give you access
to the Neartime Service which facilitates the ConsumerView API.
The Plexus Admininistration Site is used for other services and applications such as
Location Analyst, iCoder Online, Mosaic Audience and the Segmentation Portal. If you
already use one of these services or sites, you will already have a username and
password. In which case, the Helpdesk will only need to add the Neartime Service to
your account and arrange for the access to the ConsumerView API (with your required
variables, propensities, and assets) to be set up.
You can manage your password through any of the Plexus services or applications to
which you have access, i.e. the same username and password is used for all services
and sites to which you subscribe. You can also change your password using the API
Any questions you have about your account should be sent to the Experian Helpdesk
Soon after the creation or update of your account you will receive an automated
registration e-mail giving your username and password (if a new account has been
Getting access to the ConsumerView dataset
Giving you access to the Neartime Service is just part of the onboarding process. You
will also need to be given access to the ConsumerView dataset on each of the two
domains described in Subsection 1.5.1.
You will be notified by e-mail when this is complete and be given a 5-digit client ID,
and depending on your requirements and contract, one or more asset IDs. You can
then access the API.
Client IDs are used by the Neartime Service to match your username to a list of
authorised usernames associated with that ID. For instance, you may have different
users within your company that can access the API. The client ID is authorised to
send a lookup request for an asset, but the requestor (username) is also logged. If
different parts of your business need access to different variables, propensities, and
assets to yourself, then please let us know, because it is likely that this will require a
different client ID.
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2 Logging in and changing the password
2.1 Logging in
2.1.1 About the log in request
To be able to query the ConsumerView database, you must first log in to the API to
authenticate the session and receive a token. You must send your credentials, in
JSON format, in the body of the request.
Currently, you are only allowed one token at any one time which is valid for 30
minutes. If you make any subsequent log in attempts, this invalidates the token of any
active session you may have started and causes a new token to be created.
Note: You are recommended to put the code for the log in request into its own thread.
Failure to do so would mean that any subsequent log in request being sent before the
30 minute expiry of a token already in use, would cause any search request which
uses that token to fail and return a "401 Invalid token" response.
HTTP summary details
The table below summarises the HTTP details of the log in request:
HTTP Element Value
Request method:
Standard header:
URL or endpoint:
Request body:
{ "userid":"USERID_VALUE",
Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names you can use for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
Standard header
For the log in request, you must set the value of the standard Content-Type header
to a MIME type of “application/json”, i.e. Content-Type:application/json.
Request body key and value pairs
The key and value pairs in the log in request body (in JSON format) given above are
defined as follows:
"userid":"USERID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the username
given in the registration e-mail e.g.
"userid":"[email protected]"
"password":"PASSWORD_VALUE"set the value to be the same as your
current Plexus password, e.g."password":"client_pAssw0rd". The password
is case sensitive.
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Example log in request
The following is a simple Windows cURL command line example which is used to
demonstrate the content of a log in request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://[domain_name]/overture/login -d
"{\"userid\":\"[email protected]\", \"password\":\"
2.1.2 Log in response
Successful log in
If log in request is successful, the API sends a 200 (OK) response. The body of the
response is a single JSON key and string value pair. The value of the token key is a
hexadecimal string. An example response is shown below:
Error response
If the log in request is unsuccessful, the API sends a different response to a 200 (OK).
The server may send a 429 (Too Many Requests) response to limit the loading on the
network. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified amount of time dependent on
the endpoint, before retrying. The time remaining (in milliseconds) is included in the
response message.
See Section 5 for information about the other types of response which you may
receive for a log in request, what they mean, and how to resolve the issue.
Processing the log in response
In a real-world Web-based or desktop application, if the log in request is successful,
the token is likely to be programmatically extracted from the JSON response and then
passed through, or made accessible, to a lookup request (see Section 3) or to a
change password request (see Subsection 2.2 below).
It is also expected that you would write application code to handle any response which
is not successful.
2.2 Changing the password
2.2.1 About the change password request
As well as changing your password via the user interface of any of the Plexus
applications to which you may subscribe (e.g. iCoder Online), you can also change it
using the API. You can use this method at any time while you are logged in and have
a valid token.
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The new password:
must not be the same as any of the previous 12 passwords you have used;
must be at least 8 characters in length;
must contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters;
must contain at least one numeric digit (0 to 9);
must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character, such as #, *, ! or _;
must not contain spaces;
must not contain repeated characters, e.g. bbb or 111;
must not include your forename or surname.
Note: It is important to recognise that any new password that you set will also be used
by any other Plexus applications, sites and APIs to which you have access, e.g.
iCoder Online, Location Analyst, and the ConsumerView API.
If the same credentials are used by other areas of your business for any other
applications, then any change of password should be communicated to these areas.
HTTP summary details
The table below summarises the details of the change password request:
HTTP Element Value
Request method:
Standard header:
URL or endpoint:
Request body:
{ "token":"TOKEN_VALUE",
Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names you can use for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
Standard header
You must set the value of a standard Content-Type header to a MIME type of
“application/json”, i.e. Content-Type:application/json.
Request body key and value pairs
The key and value pairs in the request body given above are defined as follows:
"token":"TOKEN_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the token you
received in the log in response, e.g. "token":"713dbcaa-21f5-4124-a576-
"password":"CURRENT_PASSWORD_VALUE"set the value to be the same as
your current Plexus password, e.g."password":"client_pAssw0rd". The
password is case sensitive.
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"newpassword":"NEW_PASSWORD_VALUE"set the value to the new
password you want to use, observing the password requirements given above,
Example change password request
The following is a simple Windows cURL command line example which is used to
demonstrate the content of a change password request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://[domain_name]/overture/changepassword -d
\"password\":\"client_pAssw0rd\", \"newpassword\":\"
2.2.2 About the change password response
Successful change password
If the change password request is successful, the API sends a 200 (OK) response.
The body of the response contains a key and Boolean value pair as shown below:
"success": true
The new password should now be used for any future log-in requests.
Error response
If a problem occurred processing the change password request the server will give a
different HTTP response to 200 (OK).
The server may send a 429 (Too Many Requests) response to limit the loading on the
network. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified amount of time dependent on
the endpoint, before retrying. The time remaining (in milliseconds) is included in the
response message.
See Section 5 for information on the other types of response which may be received
for a request, what they mean, and how to resolve the issue.
2.2.3 Processing the change password response
If the change password request is successful, any new log in requests must use the
new password.
It is also expected that you would write application code to handle any response which
is not successful.
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3 Sending and processing single asset
3.1 Types of lookup request
3.1.1 Single record lookup request
If you want to perform a lookup of the ConsumerView database for a single consumer
you can use the POST method, where you supply the lookup data in a JSON request
body. You can also include optional flags in the request which you can use to optimise
the matching process.
Of course, if you want to perform a lookup for more than one consumer, then you can
either send single record lookup requests one after the other or use the batch record
lookup request described below.
3.1.2 Batch record lookup request
As the name suggests, a batch record lookup request lets you perform a lookup of the
ConsumerView database for more than one consumer at a time.
Note: The details of a maximum 5,000 consumers can be added to a batch record
lookup request.
A batch record lookup request uses the POST method, where you supply the lookup
data for each consumer within an array of the JSON request body. You can also
include optional flags for each consumer within the lookup request which you can use
to optimise the matching process.
3.2 Input data required in a lookup request
3.2.1 Types of data
The input data which you send in the lookup request can be divided into 3 discrete
Authorisation data – every lookup request must contain your authorisation
credentials. These give you the permission to use the API and the variables and
propensities in the requested asset. See Subsection 3.2.2 for further information.
Search data every lookup request must include parameters or keys which
identify the required postcode, household or person you want to use to search the
ConsumerView database. For a batch record lookup request, an array is formed,
with each element holding the key and value pairs defining the search data for a
consumer. See Subsection 3.2.3 for further information.
Flags you can include an optional flags string array. You can use these flags
to switch off a specific pre-processing cleaning task performed by the API. You
can include the flags to optimise the matching process in certain scenarios. See
Subsection 3.2.4 for further information.
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3.2.2 Authorisation data
To be able to perform a lookup, you must include the following authorisation data in
each lookup request:
your username which was sent to you in the registration e-mail. N.B. When used
in lookups, the username is known as a Single Sign On ID (or ssoId). This is
because the session was authenticated by the log in request and is valid for the
lifetime of the token (30 minutes).
the token which you received in response to the log in request. If the token is
older than 30 minutes, the lookup request will fail, and you will have to send
another log in request to get a new token.
your client ID which was included in the registration e-mail. A client ID is a 5-digit
number, e.g. 12345.
the ID of the required asset you want to use and is included in your registration e-
mail. An asset ID is a 6-character alphanumeric string e.g. 88883A.
3.2.3 Search data
Search data refers to the name and address keys that you want to use to search the
ConsumerView database for a matching person, household or postcode. For a batch
record lookup request, you must create a JSON array, with each element of the array
containing the search data for a specific consumer.
Key required for a match at postcode-level only
The table below identifies the key which you must send to perform a search at
postcode-level only.
Search Level Key Name Description
Postcode postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
Keys required for a match at household-, and postcode-levels
The table below identifies the combination of keys which you must send to perform a
search at household- and postcode-levels (but not person-level).
Search Level Key Name Description
The first address line for a household comprising
a building number and a street or road name, e.g.
postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
subbuildingno A sub building number e.g. 1 (if required). This
may be used when the buildingname or
buildingno is split into individual units such as
flats or apartments.
buildingno The number to identify the building or house, e.g.
The name of the postal road or street, e.g.
town The name of the postal town or city, e.g.
postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
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Search Level Key Name Description
subbuildingno A sub building number e.g. 1 (if required). This
may be used when the buildingname or
buildingno is split into individual units such as
flats or apartments.
buildingname A building or house name e.g. MANOR LODGE or
The name of the postal road or street, e.g.
town The name of the postal town or city, e.g.
postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
subbuilding The sub building name e.g. CARETAKERS FLAT
(if required). This may be used when the
buildingname or buildingno is split into
individual units such as flats or apartments.
buildingname A building or house name e.g. MANOR LODGE or
The name of the postal road or street, e.g.
town The name of the postal town or city, e.g.
postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
subbuilding The sub building name e.g. Caretakers Flat
(if required). This may be used when the
buildingname or buildingno is split into
individual units such as flats or apartments.
buildingno The number to identify the building or house, e.g.
The name of the postal road or street, e.g.
town The name of the postal town or city, e.g.
postcode The postcode for the household, e.g.
Household email
The email address for a whole household, e.g.
Household key_family
The unique 18-digit match key for a family within
the household, e.g.
Household key_household
The unique 18-digit match key for a household,
With the exception of the two match keys (key_family and key_household),
whenever possible, the API validates and compares the address you have supplied to
the Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF) records. This requires you to use the
data values which are mapped to the most appropriate element of the different PAF
Keys required for a match at person-, household-, and postcode-
The table below identifies the combination of keys which you are required to send to
perform a search at person-, household-, and postcode-levels. With the exception of
the mobile, email, key_individual and key_person options, you must also
send the keys for a valid household (as identified in the table above).
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Search Level Key Name Description
Person email
The consented email address for the person, e.g.
Person mobile
The consented mobile number for the person, e.g.
The single initial letter of the person’s forename,
surname The surname of the person, e.g.
The household address for the person given by the
combination of address keys given in the table
above, e.g.
The forename of the person, e.g.
surname The surname of the person, e.g.
The household address for the person given by the
combination of address keys given in the table
above, e.g.
Person key_person
The unique 10-digit match key for a single
individual living at the address, e.g.
Person key_individual
The unique 18-digit match key for an individual
living at the address, e.g.
If two or more individuals in the same household
and same family share the same initial, then they
will have the same individual key. To get a tighter
match, the key_person key should be used
3.2.4 Flags data (optional)
About the pre-processing cleaning tasks
On receipt of a lookup request, the API normally performs 3 pre-processing cleaning
tasks on the search data before attempting to find a match. The name and address
keys which are valid for cleaning are: initial, forename, surname,
addressline, buildingno, subbuildingno, buildingname, subbuilding,
street, town and postcode.
The 3 pre-processing cleaning tasks are:
Capitalisation the API capitalises all alphabetic characters in the values of all
name and address keys.
Stripping of characters the API removes all non-alphanumeric and hyphen
characters (-) from the values of all received name and address keys. However,
hyphen characters (-) are not removed from the values of the buildingno and
subbuildingno keys because these are most likely to contain a hyphen for
number ranges.
Thoroughfare “hydration” the API replaces any abbreviation of the ending of a
thoroughfare, e.g. RD or ST with the full word, i.e. ROAD or STREET for the
addressline and street keys.
The table below gives the full list of thoroughfare abbreviations and the full words
which are produced following hydration by the API.
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Abbreviation Full Word
The reasons for switching off pre-processing cleaning tasks
For some lookup requests, you might want to switch off a particular pre-processing
cleaning task for the following reasons:
When you have already done capitalisation within your application or on your
side. This is the only reason why you would want to switch off capitalisation.
When characters such as the hyphen (-) in the name and address (e.g. a
hyphenated forename or surname) are needed to provide a match.
When the address you have is non-PAF valid and because the abbreviation of the
street ending such as DR and ST (instead of DRIVE and STREET) will result in a
match. This is the only reason you would want to switch off thoroughfare
The format of the flags array
If you want to switch off one or more of the pre-processing cleaning tasks you must
add an optional flags string array into the JSON request body. The general format of
this key is:
The value of "KEY_NAME" identifies the name of one of the name and address keys
(e.g. "addressline" or "street") or "all" for all keys.
Note: Currently, if you include flags array in the request you must set "KEY_NAME" to
"all" because individual key names are not supported.
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The 3 elements inside the array represent the values of the flags ("FLAG1_VALUE",
"FLAG2_VALUE" and "FLAG3_VALUE") which you can use to switch off one or more
of the 3 pre-processing cleaning tasks. The value can either be an empty string ("") if
you want that task to still be run, or a string representing the task you want to switch
off for the request, i.e. "nostrip", "nocaps" or "nohydrate".
An example of the flags array which switches off all 3 pre-processing tasks and for
all keys is shown below:
Note: When the option of specifying individual name and address keys is supported
(instead of just "all"), it will be possible for the flags array to contain more than one
element, with each one specifying the flags for the specified key. For example:
The flags array is applied on a per record basis. For a batch record lookup request,
a flags array can be included within each element of the batch key array.
3.3 Using a single record lookup request
3.3.1 About the request
You can use a POST request to perform a lookup of the ConsumerView database for
a single consumer by sending the authorisation keys and one or more keys which are
used in the search. You must send this data, in JSON format, in the body of the
You can also include an optional flags string array in the request body. You can use
the flags to switch off individual pre-processing cleaning tasks that are run at the API
before the search is performed. Refer to section 3.2.4 for further information.
HTTP summary details
The table below summarises the details of the request:
HTTP Element Value
Request method:
Standard header:
URL or endpoint:
Request body (with
the optional “flags”
{ "ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE",
ConsumerView API Developer Guide
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Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names you can use for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
Standard header
You must set the value of a standard Content-Type header to a MIME type of
“application/json”, i.e. Content-Type:application/json.
Request body key and value pairs
The key and value pairs in the request body given above are defined as follows:
"ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the username
given in the registration e-mail and used at log in e.g. "ssoId":
"token":"TOKEN_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the token you
received in the log in response, e.g. "token":"713dbcaa-21f5-4124-a576-
"clientId":"CLIENTID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the client
ID which you received in the registration email, e.g. "clientId":"12345".
"assetId":"ASSETID_VALUE" – set the value to be the same as one of the
asset IDs which you received in the registration email, e.g.
"assetId":"88883A". The one you use is dependent on the variables and
propensities you want returned in the response.
this represents the name and value pairs of one or more keys used in the
lookup of the ConsumerView database. The number, names and values of these
keys are dependent on the search level and what you must specify to obtain a
match at this level. For example,
Refer to section 3.2.3 for a full list of input parameters and their description.
"FLAG2_VALUE","FLAG3_VALUE"]}]this represents the key name and
value of 3 flags for an optional flags array which you can use to stop one or more
of the pre-processing cleaning tasks from running for this request. Refer to
section 3.2.4 for more information.
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Example request
The following is a simple Windows cURL command line example which is used to
demonstrate the content of a single record lookup request for a person-level search of
the ConsumerView database:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://[domain_name]/overture/lookup -d
"{\"ssoId\":\"[email protected]\",
WALDORF STREET\",\"postcode\":\"XX319PR\"}"
3.3.2 About the response
Matched lookup
If there has been a successful match with the search data you have supplied, the API
sends a 200 (OK) response. The body of the response contains key and string value
pairs for each variable and propensity that has been defined in the asset you have
used. The response also contains a Match flag. An example of this is shown below:
Note: The response data does not include any variables or propensities which are
higher than the level given by the Match flag and which cannot be infilled. For
example, the person-level variable p_mosaic_uk_6_shopper_type will not be
returned if the Match flag is PC or H, because it cannot be infilled (i.e. it has no
postcode-dominant value).
Variables which are in the response data and which are higher than the level given by
the Match flag, will have been infilled by a postcode-dominant value.
Non-matched lookup
If the lookup request results in a non-match, a 200 (OK) response is given but with
empty curly braces, i.e. {}.
Error response
If a problem occurred processing the request the server will give a different HTTP
response to a 200 (OK).
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The server may send a 429 (Too Many Requests) response to limit the loading on the
network. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified about of time dependent on the
endpoint, before retrying. The time remaining (in milliseconds) is included in the
response message.
See Section 5 for information on the other types of response which may be received
for a request, what they mean, and how to resolve the issue.
3.4 Using a batch record lookup request
3.4.1 About the request
You can use a POST request to perform a lookup of the ConsumerView database for
more than one consumer. You must send the authorisation keys as you would with a
single record lookup request. The difference is that the search data for each consumer
is encapsulated into the elements of a batch key array: with one element of the array
holding the lookup data for a single consumer.
Note: The details of a maximum 5,000 consumers can be added to a batch consumer
lookup request.
You can also include an optional flags string array for each consumer in the batch
key array. You can use the flags to switch off individual pre-processing cleaning tasks
that are run at the API before the search is performed. Refer to section 3.2.4 for
further information.
HTTP summary details
The table below summarises the details of the request:
HTTP Element Value
Request method:
Standard header:
URL or endpoint:
Request body (with
the optional “flags”
{ "ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE",
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Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names you can use for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
Standard header
You must set the value of a standard Content-Type header to a MIME type of
“application/json”, i.e. Content-Type:application/json.
Request body key and value pairs
The key and value pairs in the request body given above are defined as follows:
"ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the username
given in the registration e-mail and used at log in e.g. "ssoId":
"token":"TOKEN_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the token you
received in the log in response, e.g. "token":"713dbcaa-21f5-4124-a576-
"clientId":"CLIENTID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the client
ID which you received in the registration email, e.g. "clientId":"12345".
"assetId":"ASSETID_VALUE" – set the value to be the same as one of the
asset IDs which you received in the registration email, e.g.
"assetId":"88883A". The one you use is dependent on the variables and
propensities you want returned in the response.
"batch":[{"Consumer1_KVPs"},…{"Consumer1+n_KVPs"}] this
represents the key and value pairs (KVPs) for each consumer in the batch array.
The number, names and values of these keys are dependent on the search level
for each consumer and what you must specify to obtain a match at this level.
For example, for a two element (2 consumer array) the batch key array may look
batch: [{"forename":"JOHN","surname":"DOE","addressline":"24
HAYCOCK STREET","postcode":"XX138EH"}]
Refer to section 3.2.3 for a full list of input parameters and their description.
Each element in the batch array can also include an optional flags array in
the general form of "flags":[{"KEY_NAME":["FLAG1_VALUE",
"FLAG2_VALUE", "FLAG3_VALUE"]}]. This represents the key name and
value of 3 flags which you can use to stop one or more of the pre-processing
cleaning tasks from running for that consumer in the request. Refer to section
3.2.4 for more information.
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Example request
The following is a simple Windows cURL command line example which is used to
demonstrate the content of a batch record lookup request for a person-level search of
the ConsumerView database. For the sake of brevity, the batch array only includes
the details of two consumers and does not include any flags arrays:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://[domain_name]/overture/batch -d
"{\"ssoId\":\"[email protected]\",
\"addressline\":\"24 INNER STREET\",\"postcode\":
\"addressline\":\"87 LONGACRE\",\"postcode\":\"QQ661ZZ\"}]}"
3.4.2 About the response
Fully-matched lookup
If the lookup request results in a match for all consumers in the request, the API sends
a 200 (OK) response. The body of the response contains a JSON array.
Each element of the array represents the results for the corresponding consumer in
the request, i.e. element 0 in the response array relates to the consumer defined in
element 0 in the lookup request array.
Each element in the array contains key and string value pairs for each variable and
propensity that has been defined in the asset you have used. Each element also
contains a Match flag.
An example of this is shown below. For the sake of brevity, the example is limited to a
few variables and only two elements (or two consumers):
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Note: The response data does not include any variables or propensities which are
higher than the level given by the Match flag and which cannot be infilled. For
example, the person-level variable p_mosaic_uk_6_shopper_type will not be
returned if the Match flag is PC or H, because it cannot be infilled (i.e. it has no
postcode-dominant value).
Variables which are in the response data and which are higher than the level given by
the Match flag, will have been infilled by a postcode-dominant value.
Partially-matched lookup
If the lookup request results in a non-match for one or more consumers (but not all) in
the request, a 200 (OK) response is given but empty curly braces, i.e. {} are returned
for that consumer in the response array. For example, the response below shows that
for the first consumer in the request (element 0 in the array) matched at person-level,
while for the second consumer (element 1 in the array) no match was found:
Note: The response data does not include any variables or propensities which are
higher than the level given by the Match flag and which cannot be infilled. For
example, the person-level variable p_mosaic_uk_6_shopper_type will not be
returned if the Match flag is PC or H, because it cannot be infilled (i.e. it has no
postcode-dominant value).
Variables which are in the response data and which are higher than the level given by
the Match flag, will have been infilled by a postcode-dominant value.
Fully-non-matched lookup
If a batch consumer lookup request is made where no consumers were matched, a
200 (OK) response is given, but with empty curly braces for each element in the array.
For example, for a 2-element array: [{},{}]
Error response
If a problem occurred processing the request the server will give a different HTTP
response to a 200 (OK).
The server may send a 429 (Too Many Requests) response to limit the loading on the
network. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified amount of time dependent on
the endpoint, before retrying. The time remaining (in milliseconds) is included in the
response message.
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See Section 5 for information on the other types of response which may be received
for a request, what they mean, and how to resolve the issue.
3.5 Processing the response data
3.5.1 Matched responses
If the lookup request results in a successful match, then it is likely that you will write
code to consume the response data. In simple terms, this means your code will
extract and validate the values for each variable and propensity in the response, and
then perhaps conditionally use the variables and propensities in some way according
to their value. For example, to populate a consumer report and/or to be used by
downstream decisioning software.
Rules for a successful match
The primary rule for a successful match is that the search data (e.g. name and
address) is accurate and spelled and formatted correctly so that it is the same as the
ConsumerView database.
Assuming that the primary rule has been fulfilled, a successful match can only be
given if the result of the search can be resolved to a single person, household, or
postcode. For example:
If two or more people share the same initial and surname and live at the same
household address, then a search using the initial and surname and identifiable
household details will result in a match at household-level and not person-level. If
the people have different forenames, then a search using forename and surname
and identifiable household details will result in a match at person-level.
If two or more people share the same forename and surname (e.g. a father and
son) and live at the same address, then a search using forename and surname
and identifiable household details will result in a match at household-level and not
If two or more houses exist with the same postcode, then a search which does
not uniquely identify the house (e.g. a building number) but does provide other
address details will result in a match at postcode level, provided there is only one
postcode for the thoroughfare. If there are two or more postcodes for the
thoroughfare (e.g. for different sides of the road) then the search will result in no
matches, since neither the household nor the postcode can be resolved.
Variables and propensities included in the response data
The names of all variables and propensities include a "p_", "h_" or "pc_" prefix. To be
included in the response data, those variables and propensities with a:
"p_" prefix need a match which is resolved to a single person or are infilled by a
postcode-dominant value (if one exists).
"h_" prefix need a match which is resolved to a single person or household or are
infilled by a postcode-dominant value (if one exists).
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"pc_" prefix need a match which is resolved to a single person, household or
The response data only contains variables and propensities where matching has been
found or has been infilled by a postcode-dominant value. The data does not include
any variables or propensities which are higher than the level given by the Match flag
and which cannot be infilled.
Further information about variables and propensities
The ConsumerView API Variables and Propensities Reference Guide describes each
variable and propensity that is available via the API. It identifies the name that is given
in the JSON response; and the possible values.
3.5.2 About the Match flag
A successful match response for a consumer also includes a Match flag. For person-,
household- and postcode-level and propensities the Match flag identifies the highest
matching search which was found and has 3 possible values (from lowest to highest):
"Match":"PC"data matched at postcode-level.
"Match":"H"data matched at household-level.
"Match":"P"data matched at person-level.
3.5.3 Postcode-dominant variables and infilling
Most person- and household-level variables also have a postcode-dominant version.
In the event of a non-match of the variable at that level, the value of the postcode-
dominant version is used to infill the variable.
Where a variable is available at both person- and household level, postcode-dominant
variables may also be available for both (for example, p_affluence_v2 and
h_affluence_v2). In this instance it is quite possible the postcode-dominant values
are different for each (for example, "p_affluence_v2":"07" and
Consumer propensities are at person-level only and do not have a postcode-dominant
version, so cannot be infilled. Therefore, in the event of not matching at person-level,
any propensities to which you subscribe are not returned in the response.
Infilling is automatic and cannot be switched off or on via the API. However, you can
write code to check the value of the Match flag to determine if infilling has been
applied. For example, if the Match flag is set to postcode-dominant variable in the
response to a search, then any person-level variables in that asset will have been
infilled by a postcode-dominant value (if available). Depending on your requirements,
you can then check the values of any infilled variables and decide whether you want
to use that value or overwrite them with a different value, e.g. not available.
3.5.4 Non-matched and error responses
It is also expected that you would write application code to handle any response
where no match is found ({} given) for a consumer, or which indicates that there was
a problem (see Section 5 for details).
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4 Sending and processing multi-asset
4.1 Introduction
You can send a lookup request for more than one asset at a time. This is known as a
multi-asset request and has the advantage of your application receiving all of the data
in one request, rather than having to send individual single record requests for each
The asset IDs that you send in the multi-asset request can be for any dataset to which
you have subscribed, except one for the Catalist API. If you have licensed two or more
assets for a particular dataset (e.g. ConsumerView) then you can specify two or more
in the multi-asset request. Similarly, a multi-asset request can include assets for
disparate datasets, such as ConsumerView, Suppressions and WorldView.
All the relevant search fields that would be required for a single record lookup request
for each dataset should be included in a multi-asset asset request. Some datasets
share the same fields, e.g. the name and address fields. Whereas for other datasets,
some search fields are unique to that dataset; for example, the latitude,
longitude and country fields are available to perform lookups of the WorldView
and EMEA Mosaic datasets only.
You are limited to sending a single record, multi-asset request, i.e. multi-asset batch
record requests are not supported.
Multi-asset requests use the POST method, but use a different endpoint to their single
record, single asset counterpart.
4.2 Input data required in a multi-asset lookup request
The types of data you provide in a multi-asset lookup request are exactly the same as
what you would provide in a single record, single asset request. For example, for the
ConsumerView API, refer to section 3.2.
Other Neartime APIs may support other keys or fields, not relevant or available to this
API. Therefore, if you are making a request which includes an asset for one of these
APIs you should include those keys or fields needed to provide a successful match
and response.
Note: All Neartime APIs ignore any keys or fields that it does not recognise.
4.3 Using a single record, multi-asset lookup request
4.3.1 About the request
You can use a POST request to perform a lookup of multiple assets for a single record
by sending the authorisation keys (including the required asset IDs) and one or more
keys which are used in the search. You must send this data, in JSON format, in the
body of the request.
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For some datasets, e.g. ConsumerView, you can also include an optional flags
string array in the request body. You can use the flags to switch off individual pre-
processing cleaning tasks that are run at the API before the search is performed.
Refer to section 3.2.4 for further information about the flags array for
HTTP summary details
The table below summarises the details of the request:
HTTP Element Value
Request method:
Standard header:
URL or endpoint:
Request body (with
the optional “flags”
{ "ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE",
Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names you can use for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
Standard header
You must set the value of a standard Content-Type header to a MIME type of
“application/json”, i.e. Content-Type:application/json.
Request body key and value pairs
The key and value pairs in the request body given above are defined as follows:
"ssoId":"SSOID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the username
given in the registration e-mail and used at log in e.g. "ssoId":
"token":"TOKEN_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the token you
received in the log in response, e.g. "token":"713dbcaa-21f5-4124-a576-
"clientId":"CLIENTID_VALUE"set the value to be the same as the client
ID which you received in the registration email, e.g. "clientId":"12345".
"assetId":"ASSETID_VALUE" – this is a string array of asset IDs you want to
use in your request, e.g. "assetId":["88883A","88883B","88883C"].
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this represents the name and value pairs of one or more keys used in the
lookup. The number, names and values of these keys are dependent on the
search level and the assets you want to use. For example:
For the ConsumerView API, refer to section 3.2.3 for a full list of input keys and
their description. For other Neartime APIs, refer to the same section but within
that API Developer Guide.
"FLAG2_VALUE","FLAG3_VALUE"]}]this represents the key name and
value of 3 flags for an optional flags array which you can use to stop one or more
of the pre-processing cleaning tasks from running for this request. This is
available for some datasets, e.g. ConsumerView, but not all and is ignored by
these if included. Refer to section 3.2.4 for further information about the flags
array for ConsumerView.
Example request
The following is a simple Windows cURL command line example which is used to
demonstrate the content of a single record, multi-asset lookup request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
https://[domain_name]/overture/MultiAssetLookup -d
"{\"ssoId\":\"[email protected]\",
\"10002C\",\"10002D\",\"10002E\",\"10002G\"], \"forename\":
\"YAK\",\"surname\": \"PORTER\",\"addressline\": \"62
Grapefruits Lane\",\"postcode\":\"XX5 3NG\",
In this example, the request the asset IDs relate to the following datasets and APIs:
10002A EMEA Mosaic API asset
10002B - WorldView API asset
10002CResidential Property API asset
10002DMicrocells API asset
10002ESuppressions API asset
10002GConsumerView API asset
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4.3.2 About the response
Fully-matched lookup
If the lookup request results in a match for all assets in the request, the Neartime API
sends a 200 (OK) response containing a JSON array of objects.
Each element or object in the array contains the results and asset ID for one of the
assets specified in the request. Each object in the array has the following general
"result": {
"assetId": "[ASSETID_VALUE]"
Each element in the result object contains key and string value pairs for each
variable that has been defined in the asset you have used. For the ConsumerView
API assets, the result object also contains a Match flag. An example of this is
shown below.
"result": {
"country_mosaic": "A01",
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {
"disposable_income": "50",
"country_code": "ZZ",
"dominant_age_band": "15-30",
"grid_code": "T99_000001_00001",
"worldview_segment": "A"
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {
"building_description": "DETACHED HOUSE",
"property_roof_shape": "PITCHED",
"property_wall_type": "CAVITY",
"reception_room_count": "2",
"property_built_in_period": "1500 TO 1550",
"bedroom_count": "1",
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"property_wall_material": "GRANITE",
"property_is_new_build": "FALSE",
"dwelling_description": "HOUSEBOAT",
"bathroom_count": "5+",
"dwelling_type": "HOUSE",
"building_type": "DETACHED"
"assetId": "10002C"
"result": {
"h_age_fine": "07",
"h_shareholding_value": "0",
"h_presence_of_young_person_at_address": "1",
"p_discretionary_income_value": "35",
"p_fsi_score": "-0.2574",
"p_regional_normalised_person_income_band": "3",
"assetId": "10002D"
"result": {
"DeadFInd": "F",
"DeadSInd": "F",
"DeadIInd": "F"
"assetId": "10002E"
"result": {
"p_0071_perc_pension_standard_v1b": "18",
"h_council_tax_band": "0",
"h_income_value_v3": "22650",
"h_fuelpoverty_v2_flag": "N",
"h_households_with_children_v3": "0",
"p_directorships_flag": "0",
"pc_mosaic_uk_6_digital_group": "B",
"h_mosaic_uk_6_type": "43",
"assetId": "10002G"
Note: The same rule about which variables and propensities are in the response for a
single record, single asset request is also applicable to single record, multi-asset
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Partially-matched lookup
If the lookup request results in a non-match for one or more assets (but not all) in the
request, a 200 (OK) response is given but empty curly braces for the content of the
result object for that asset in the response array, i.e.
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002E"
For example, the response below shows that for the first two assets in the request
(element 0 and 1 in the array) no match was found, while for the third asset (element 2
in the array) a match was found:
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {
"building_description": "DETACHED HOUSE",
"property_roof_shape": "PITCHED",
"property_wall_type": "CAVITY",
"reception_room_count": "2",
"property_built_in_period": "1500 TO 1550",
"bedroom_count": "1",
"property_wall_material": "GRANITE",
"property_is_new_build": "FALSE",
"dwelling_description": "HOUSEBOAT",
"bathroom_count": "5+",
"dwelling_type": "HOUSE",
"building_type": "DETACHED"
"assetId": "10002C"
Note: The same rule about which variables and propensities are in the response for a
single record, single asset request is also applicable to single record, multi-asset
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Fully-non-matched lookup
If the lookup request is made where no match was found for any of the assets
specified in the request, a 200 (OK) response is given, but empty curly braces for the
content of the result object for all assets in the response array.
For example, the response below shows that for all assets in the request (element 0, 1
2 in the array) no match was found:
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002C"
Error response
If a problem occurred processing the request the server will give a different HTTP
response to a 200 (OK).
The server may send a 429 (Too Many Requests) response to limit the loading on the
network. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified amount of time dependent on
the endpoint, before retrying. The time remaining (in milliseconds) is included in the
response message.
See Section 5 for information on the other types of response which may be received
for a request, what they mean, and how to resolve the issue.
4.4 Processing the response data
4.4.1 Matched responses
If the lookup request results in a successful match, then it is likely that you will write
code to consume the response data. In simple terms, this means your code will
extract and validate the values for each variable in the response, and then perhaps
conditionally use the variables in some way according to their value.
The rules for creating a successful matched response for a single asset, single record
request are also applicable to single record, multi-asset requests.
4.4.2 Non-matched and error responses
It is also expected that you would write application code to handle any response
where no match is found for an asset, or which indicates that there was a problem.
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For a multi-asset request, any error responses such as the 400- and 500-series
response are either related to the entire call, or one or more assets defined in the
request. For example, if there is an issue with the authentication token supplied in
the request then this obviously is related to the entire call, and the appropriate 401
response would be given. However, if there is an asset-specific error response, then a
200 (OK) response is given for the request, but the result object holds the actual
specific response for that asset. For example:
"result": {
"response:"Asset Not Found"
"assetId": "10002C"
See Section 5 for details of all responses.
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5 HTTP responses
5.1 Introduction
The following provides the details of the possible responses to the log in request, the
change password request, and the lookup requests. In some cases, the text of the
response is the standard HTML response given by the server, while in other cases a
custom response has been created to be used specifically with the API.
The details given provide the meaning of the response, and if it is an error, the
possible causes and the resolution.
The names in parentheses are the standard HTTP names for the responses.
For a multi-asset request, any error responses such as the 400- and 500-series
response are either related to the entire call, or one or more assets defined in the
request. For example, if there is an issue with the authentication token supplied in
the request then this obviously is related to the entire call, and the appropriate 401
response would be given. However, if there is an asset-specific error response, then a
200 (OK) response is given for the request, but the result object holds the actual
specific response for that asset. For example:
"result": {
"response:"Asset Not Found"
"assetId": "10002C"
The relevant subsections for each response identify whether it would be treated as an
asset-specific response for a multi-asset request.
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5.2 200 (OK) responses
5.2.1 200 Fully-matched lookup (batch record)
If a batch record lookup request is made where all consumers in the request were
matched, a 200 (OK) response is given.
The body of the response contains a JSON array. Each element in the array
comprises key and string value pairs for each variable and propensity for the
respective consumer in the request. Each element also includes a Match flag. For
example, for a two element array:
5.2.2 200 Fully-matched lookup (single record, multi-
If a single record, multi-asset lookup request is made where all assets in the request
were matched, a 200 (OK) response is given.
The body of the response contains a JSON array. Each element in the array
comprises a result object and an assetId key for the respective asset in the
request. The result object contains the string value pairs for each variable and
If the lookup request results in a match for all assets in the request, the Neartime API
sends a 200 (OK) response containing a JSON array of objects.
Each element or object in the array contains the results and asset ID for one of the
assets specified in the request. Each object in the array has the following general
"result": {
"assetId": "[ASSETID_VALUE]"
Each element in the result object contains key and string value pairs for each
variable that has been defined in the asset you have used. For the ConsumerView
API assets, the result object also contains a Match flag. An example of this is
shown below.
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"result": {
"country_mosaic": "A01",
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {
"disposable_income": "50",
"country_code": "ZZ",
"dominant_age_band": "15-30",
"grid_code": "T99_000001_00001",
"worldview_segment": "A"
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {
"building_description": "DETACHED HOUSE",
"property_roof_shape": "PITCHED",
"property_wall_type": "CAVITY",
"reception_room_count": "2",
"property_built_in_period": "1500 TO 1550",
"bedroom_count": "1",
"property_wall_material": "GRANITE",
"property_is_new_build": "FALSE",
"dwelling_description": "HOUSEBOAT",
"bathroom_count": "5+",
"dwelling_type": "HOUSE",
"building_type": "DETACHED"
"assetId": "10002C"
"result": {
"h_age_fine": "07",
"h_shareholding_value": "0",
"h_presence_of_young_person_at_address": "1",
"p_discretionary_income_value": "35",
"p_fsi_score": "-0.2574",
"p_regional_normalised_person_income_band": "3",
"assetId": "10002D"
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"result": {
"DeadFInd": "F",
"DeadSInd": "F",
"DeadIInd": "F"
"assetId": "10002E"
"result": {
"p_0071_perc_pension_standard_v1b": "18",
"h_council_tax_band": "0",
"h_income_value_v3": "22650",
"h_fuelpoverty_v2_flag": "N",
"h_households_with_children_v3": "0",
"p_directorships_flag": "0",
"pc_mosaic_uk_6_digital_group": "B",
"h_mosaic_uk_6_type": "43",
"assetId": "10002G"
Note: The same rule about which variables and propensities are in the response for a
single record, single asset request is also applicable to single record, multi-asset
5.2.3 200 Fully-non-matched lookup (batch record)
If a batch record lookup request is made where no consumers were matched, a 200
(OK) response is given, but with empty curly braces for each element in the array. For
example, for a 2-element array:
This is the normal response where a search of the ConsumerView database resulted
in no match for any consumers in the request.
5.2.4 200 Fully-non-matched lookup (single record, multi-
If the lookup request is made where no match was found for any of the assets
specified in the request, a 200 (OK) response is given, but empty curly braces for the
content of the result object for all assets in the response array.
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For example, the response below shows that for all assets in the request (element 0, 1
2 in the array) no match was found:
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002C"
5.2.5 200 – Matched lookup (single record, single asset)
This response is given to a single record, single asset lookup request where there has
been a successful match with the search data supplied. The body of the response
comprises key and string value pairs for each variable and propensity that has been
defined in the asset. The response also includes a Match flag. For example:
5.2.6 200 Non-matched lookup (single record, single
This response may be given to a single record, single asset lookup request and
comprises the headers with the Content-Length header set to 2 and the body with
empty curly braces, i.e. {}.
This is the normal response where a search of the ConsumerView database resulted
in no match.
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5.2.7 200 – Non-matched lookup (0-byte)
This response may be given to a lookup request and comprises the response headers
only, i.e. no body and with the Content-Length header set to 0 e.g.
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 08:51:55 GMT
Cause or Resolution Description
This response may be given because of an unknown cause
either in the composition or content of the request, or a problem
with the API.
Please contact the Helpdesk to report the problem so that it may
be investigated further.
5.2.8 200 – Partially-matched lookup (batch record)
If the lookup request results in a non-match for one or more (but not all) consumers in
the request, a 200 (OK) response is given but empty curly braces, i.e. {} are returned
for that consumer in the response array.
For example, the response below shows that for the first consumer in the request
(element 0 in the array) matched at person-level, while for the second consumer
(element 1 in the array) no match was found:
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5.2.9 200 Partially-matched lookup (single record, multi-
If the lookup request results in a non-match for one or more assets (but not all) in the
request, a 200 (OK) response is given but empty curly braces for the content of the
result object for that asset in the response array, i.e.
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002E"
For example, the response below shows that for the first two assets in the request
(element 0 and 1 in the array) no match was found, while for the third asset (element 2
in the array) a match was found:
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002A"
"result": {},
"assetId": "10002B"
"result": {
"building_description": "DETACHED HOUSE",
"property_roof_shape": "PITCHED",
"property_wall_type": "CAVITY",
"reception_room_count": "2",
"property_built_in_period": "1500 TO 1550",
"bedroom_count": "1",
"property_wall_material": "GRANITE",
"property_is_new_build": "FALSE",
"dwelling_description": "HOUSEBOAT",
"bathroom_count": "5+",
"dwelling_type": "HOUSE",
"building_type": "DETACHED"
"assetId": "10002C"
Note: The same rule about which variables and propensities are in the response for a
single record, single asset request is also applicable to single record, multi-asset
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5.2.10 200 – Successful change password
This response may be given to a successful change password request, with the body
of the response containing a single key and Boolean value pair i.e.
"success": true
This is the expected response to a change password request.
5.2.11 200 Successful log in
This response may be given to a successful log in request, with the body of the
response containing a single key and string value pair comprising the token key name
and a hexadecimal string e.g.
This is the expected response to a log in request.
5.3 400 (Bad Request) responses
5.3.1 400 Bad parameters, invalid
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the keys in
the lookup request. The body of the custom response contains two key and value
{"code":400,"response":"Bad parameters, invalid"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the clientId, token or ssoId
keys. This could be because the key is missing from the request
or that is has been mis-spelt.
Check that all keys are supplied in the request and that they are
spelt correctly.
5.3.2 400 – Invalid input
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the keys or
format of the JSON for a login request or a change password request. The body of the
custom response contains two key and value pairs:
{"code":400,"response":"Invalid input"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the keys or formatting of the JSON
in the request.
Review the keys and format or the JSON being sent out in the
request and fix any errors.
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5.4 401 – (Unauthorized) responses
5.4.1 401 Asset Not Found.
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects that the value of the
assetId supplied in the lookup request does not exist. The body of the custom
response contains two key and value pairs:
{"code":401,"response":"Asset Not Found."}
Note: This response is specific to an asset. This means that for a multi-asset request
the response text given above would appear in the result object for the appropriate
asset and within a 200 (OK) response.
Cause or Resolution Description
The value assetId given in the lookup request could not be
found by the server.
Check the value of the assetId matches one of those given in
the registration e-mail, and correct if necessary.
If the value of the assetId does match the one given in the
registration e-mail, contact the Helpdesk to report the problem
and receive the correct asset ID.
5.4.2 401 Invalid token
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the token
supplied in the lookup request. The body of the custom response contains two key
and value pairs:
{"code":401,"response":"Invalid token"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the value of the token parameter
or key. This could be that the value of the token has been
quoted incorrectly in the lookup request or more likely that the
token is more than 30 minutes old.
If the token is more than 30 minutes old, check that its value in
the lookup request is correct.
You should also ensure that the code for your log in request is
in its own thread. If you do not do this, then any request which is
received by your application will invalidate any current token,
which will cause any search request which use it to fail.
If the token is more than 30 minutes old, log in to the
ConsumerView API to obtain a new token.
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5.4.3 401 Unauthorized Asset.
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects that the client is not
authorised to use the requested asset given in the lookup request. The body of the
custom response contains two key and value pairs:
{"code":401,"response":"Unauthorized Asset."}
Note: This response is specific to an asset. This means that for a multi-asset request
the response text given above would appear in the result object for the appropriate
asset and within a 200 (OK) response.
Cause or Resolution Description
The value of the assetId given in the lookup request is not
authorised to be used by the client.
Check the value given in the assetId matches one of those
given in the registration e-mail, and correct if necessary.
If the value of the assetId does match the one given in the
registration e-mail, contact the Helpdesk to report the problem
and receive the correct asset ID.
5.4.4 401 Unauthorized Client
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the
credentials given in a lookup request. The body of the custom response contains two
key and value pairs:
{"code":401,"response":"Unauthorized Client"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the credentials in a lookup request
where the value of the ssoId or clientId key may be
Check the value of the ssoId matches the username in the
registration e-mail.
The value of the clientId key must match the value given in
the registration e-mail to the client. Check the value of the key
against the one in the e-mail.
If the response is still given, contact the Helpdesk.
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5.4.5 401 Unauthorized Client, null token
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the
credentials given in log in request, so no token was returned. The body of the custom
response contains two key and value pairs:
{"code":401,"response":"Unauthorized Client, null token"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the credentials given in a log in
request where the value of the password or the userId key
may be incorrect.
The value of the userId key must match that given by the
username in the registration e-mail. The value and case of
password key must match the current password which is used
to log in to Plexus applications.
Check the value of both keys and correct as necessary. Ensure
that value of the password key matches the latest password,
particularly if it was recently changed by someone else in your
5.4.6 401 Unsuccessful, bad token or new password
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the change
password request. The body of the custom response contains two key and value
{"code":401,"response":"Unsuccessful, bad token or new password
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the token or the value of
newpassword in a change password request.
This could be that the value of the token has been quoted
incorrectly in the request or more likely that the token is more
than 30 minutes old.
It could also be that the value of newpassword does not meet
the password requirements.
If the token is more than 30 minutes old, check that its value in
the request is correct. If the token is more than 30 minutes old,
log in to the ConsumerView API to obtain a new token.
Check the value of the new password and confirm that it meets
the requirements given in Subsection 2.2.1.
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5.5 404 – (Not Found) response
This is a standard response given by the server if it does not recognise the endpoint
or URL supplied in a request. The response body is supplied as an HTML encoded
Cause or Resolution Description
The URL or endpoint specified in a request was not matched to
any resource by the server and so a standard error was
Check the spelling of the log in request URL; the change
password request URL; or the lookup request URL and confirm
that it matches the ones specified in this document, i.e. for a log
in request:
or for a change password request:
or for a lookup request:
Note: See Subsection 1.5.1 for details of the domain names could be used for the
[domain_name] placeholder.
5.6 405 (Method Not Allowed) response
This is a standard response given by the server if request uses an HTTP method not
supported by the API endpoint. The response body is supplied as an HTML encoded
Cause or Resolution Description
The HTTP method used in the request is not supported by the
API endpoint. Currently API endpoints only support the POST
method. Any other method such as GET are not supported.
Resolution: Ensure that you only use the POST method in the requests.
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5.7 417 (Expectation Failed) responses
5.7.1 417 Batch limit exceeded
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects that there are more than
5,000 records in a batch lookup request. The body of the custom response contains
two key and value pairs:
{"code":417,"response":"Batch limit exceeded"}
Cause or Resolution Description
There were more than 5,000 records in the batch lookup
Reduce the number of records in the batch lookup to 5,000 or
less, and then retry.
5.7.2 417 Incorrect JSON
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the JSON
format in a login request or lookup request. The body of the custom response contains
two key and value pairs:
{"code":417,"response":"Incorrect JSON"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the formatting of the JSON in the
Review the format or the JSON being sent out in the request and
fix the formatting errors.
5.7.3 417 Missing parameters or invalid
This is a custom response given by the server if it detects a problem with the
parameters sent to the endpoint. The body of the custom response contains two key
and value pairs:
{"code":417,"response":"Missing parameters or invalid"}
Cause or Resolution Description
A problem was detected with the parameters supplied in the
request to the endpoint. For example, it might be that the
endpoint does not understand the value of the parameters which
are sent. This response can occur if you attempt to send a multi-
asset request to the single asset lookup endpoint.
Confirm that you are using the correct endpoint for the request.
Review the value of the parameters sent to the endpoint and
correct as necessary.
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5.8 429 (Too Many Requests) response
This is a custom response given to limit the loading on the network. The response
may be given for any type of request. If this occurs you will need to wait a specified
amount of time dependent on the endpoint before retrying.
The body of the custom response contains three JSON key and value pairs:
"response":"Limit Reached for [endpoint], try again in
Cause or Resolution Description
The server has detected that the loading on the network is too
You should write code to deal with this response, and waiting
the specified time remaining before retrying the request.
5.9 500 (Internal Server Error) responses
5.9.1 500 Internal Server Error
This is a standard response given by the server if an unexpected and severe problem
occurs. The response body is supplied as a HTML encoded page.
Cause or Resolution Description
An invalid or missing assetId given in the lookup request could
not be processed by the server and so a standard error was
Check the value of the assetId matches one of those given in
the registration e-mail, and correct if necessary.
Contact the Helpdesk to report this problem for further
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5.9.2 500 Problem with authentication
This is a custom response given by the server if there was an issue with a login
request or a change password request. The body of the custom response contains
two key and value pairs:
{"code":500,"response":"Problem with authentication"}
Cause or Resolution Description
There was an issue with logging in or changing the password
because of a communication issue with the Plexus
Administration server.
Try again. If the issue is still present, contact the Helpdesk to
report this problem for further investigation.
5.9.3 500 Problem with login
This is a custom response given by the server if there was an issue retrieving a token
from the Plexus Administration server. The body of the custom response contains two
key and value pairs:
{"code":500,"response":"Problem with login"}
Cause or Resolution Description
There was an issue retrieving a token from the Plexus
Administration server.
Try again. If the issue is still present, contact the Helpdesk to
report this problem for further investigation.
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5.10 503 – (Service Unavailable) responses
5.10.1 503 Internal refresh in progress
This is a custom response given by the server if a refresh was in progress when the
request was made. The body of the custom response contains two key and value
{"code":503,"response":"Internal refresh in progress"}
Cause or Resolution Description
There was temporary problem with the server in the cluster
which received the request.
Try the request again as it is likely to succeed when the refresh
operation has been completed.
If the request still fails, try again in 10 minutes and if it still fails
report the problem to the Helpdesk.
5.10.2 503 Server error
This is a custom response given by the server if a serious server error occurs when a
request is made. The body of the custom response contains two key and value pairs:
{"code":503,"response":"Server error"}
Cause or Resolution Description
The cause of these errors are unknown, but the system would be
closely monitored by Experian for any of these failures.
Resolution: Report the problem to the Helpdesk, and the status of a fix.
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A Dummy data
You can use the dummy data given in the table below to test the API with your asset.
Data type Value Match level
Name and
Person, Household
or Postcode (Note
email address
email address
match key
Household (Note 2)
Family match
Household (Note 3)
Person match
Person (Note 4)
match key
Person (Note 5)
1) The actual level depends on which parts of the name and address are used in the
search. If all parts are used then a match at person level is given. However, if only
the postcode is used then a match at postcode level is given.
2) The dummy household match key (key_household) is associated with the
address of YAK PORTER above.
3) The dummy family match key (key_family) is associated with the PORTER
family living at the above address.
4) The dummy person match key (key_person) is associated with YAK PORTER
living at the above address.
5) The dummy individual match key (key_individual) is associated with YAK
PORTER living at the above address. In this case the key is unique because
there are no other people living at the same address with the same surname and
same initial.