Digital Policy Office
Version: 1.4
July 2024
© The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
of the People’s Republic of China
The contents of this document remain the property of, and may not be reproduced in
whole or in part without the expressed permission of the Government of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development Amendment History
Appendix A
Amendment History
Pages Affected
As detailed in 1.01 to 1.04
Add “List of Figures and
After “Table of
Update the URL of footnote #1
Update the sub-sections
numbering in the sample
7(d), 7.1, 7.2,
7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
Add a new figure - “Project
Informationin the section of
“A Sample of Spreadsheet for
Agile Project Management”
7.1 - Figure 1
As detailed in 2.01
Update to remove criteria related
to project criticality for the
“Suitability Checklistsection.
3(a) - Table 1
Add the contents of “Design
8 – Added
Table 15 - added
May 2019
Update Documents for the
Establishment of Digital Policy
Office (DPO)
Cover page;
1(b) – URL
July 2024
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2 TYPES OF AGILE ............................................................................................... 3
3 SUITABILITY CHECKLIST ............................................................................. 6
4 A SAMPLE PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................. 8
6 USER STORIES ................................................................................................. 12
S1 - Project Information ..................................................................................................... 20
7.1.1 Project Schedule ....................................................................................................... 21
7.1.2 Timebox Planning Table ........................................................................................... 22
7.1.3 Burn Down Chart ...................................................................................................... 24
S2 - Prioritised Requirements List (PRL) ..................................................... 25
S3 - Prioritised Requirements List (with planned tasks) ............................... 26
S4 - Detailed Tasks List ................................................................................. 28
S5 - Story Board ............................................................................................ 30
S6 - Task Board ............................................................................................. 31
8 DESIGN THINKING ......................................................................................... 32
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A List of Figures & Tables
List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1 - Project Information ............................................................................................... 20
Figure 2 - Project Schedule ................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3 - Timebox Planning Table ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 4 - A Burn Down Chart .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 5 - Prioritised Requirements List ............................................................................... 25
Figure 6 - Prioritised Requirements List (with planned tasks) .............................................. 26
Figure 7 - Detailed Tasks List ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 8 - A Story Board ....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 9 - A Task Board ........................................................................................................ 31
Table 1 - Feasibility Criteria .................................................................................................. 6
Table 2 - Benefit Criteria ....................................................................................................... 7
Table 3 - A Sample Project Schedule of Agile Software Development Project .................... 8
Table 4 - Examples of User Stories ...................................................................................... 12
Table 5 - Good Examples vs. Bad Examples ....................................................................... 13
Table 6 - Characteristics of a Good User Story ................................................................... 13
Table 7 - Format of A User Story ........................................................................................ 14
Table 8 - Project Schedule Description ................................................................................ 21
Table 9 - Timebox Schedule Information ............................................................................ 23
Table 10 - Prioritised Requirements List Description ............................................................ 25
Table 11 - Planned Tasks Description ................................................................................... 27
Table 12 - Detailed Tasks List Description ............................................................................ 29
Table 13 - A Story Board Description ................................................................................... 30
Table 14 - A Task Board Description .................................................................................... 31
Table 15 - Five Steps in Design Thinking ............................................................................. 32
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 1- Manifesto for Agile Software Development
(a) In 2001, some Agile practitioners introduced four main values for developing software using
Agile under the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development". The values are listed as
Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
Self-organisation of a project team, and motivation and collaboration of team members
are more important than just following the processes and tools.
Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
Working software will be more useful in reflecting the progress of work than just
presenting documents to clients.
Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
Customer and stakeholders are encouraged to continuously collaborate with project
team members throughout the project rather than negotiate according to the terms and
conditions in the contract.
Responding to Change over Following a Plan
Agile focuses on quick and immediate responses to changes rather than strictly
following a plan.
(b) To supplement the Manifesto, there were twelve Agile Principles developed in 2001 to
elaborate the Agile approach. The following are the twelve Agile Principles
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer's competitive advantage.
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with
a preference to the shorter timescale.
Business people and programmers must work together daily throughout the project.
Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support
they need, and trust them to get the job done.
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
Working software is the primary measure of progress.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 1- Manifesto for Agile Software Development
Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, programmers, and
users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
Simplicity--the art of maximising the amount of work not done--is essential
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organising teams.
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and
adjusts its behaviour accordingly.
It recommends doing just enough work in order to reduce the wasted effort.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 2 - Types of Agile
(a) The Agile practices currently available in the market may be classified into two major
i) Disciplined Agile Approach
The Disciplined Agile Approach is a structural approach which covers the entire System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from project initiation till system live-run. It usually
incorporates a comprehensive set of structured processes and Agile practices that work
for the entire system development life cycle. Two examples of Agile methods are the
“Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) and the “Open Unified Process
ii) Core Agile Approach
The Core Agile Approach such as “Scrumand “Extreme Programming (XP)is a less
structural approach covering only a portion of the SDLC. It emphasises the technical
aspects of system delivery mechanism and only addresses the System Implementation
Phase of the SDLC.
(c) Each Agile method has its own characteristics and merits to suit the needs of different
(d) To adopt Agile for implementation of IT systems in the Government, a mixed approach is
used to select and consolidate the best practices from different Agile methods that are
applicable to the Government.
(e) More information about the above examples of Agile methods is provided below.
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is an Agile project delivery framework
that adopts an iterative and incremental approach for system development. The most recent
version, DSDM Atern, was launched in 2007. DSDM was originally aimed to provide
discipline to the Rapid Application Development (RAD), but it gradually became a more
generic approach covering project management and solution delivery. DSDM considers
that time and cost for a project are fixed while only requirements are allowed to be changed.
The following are some core techniques used in DSDM:
Timeboxing - A timebox is an interval usually no longer than 6 weeks. Each timebox
contains several tasks which are pre-determined at the project planning stage, and are
required to deliver a working software at the end;
MoSCow Rules - The MoSCoW prioritisation method produces a "Prioritised
Requirements List" (PRL) in which the requirements are arranged in the order of "Must
have", "Should have", "Could have" and "Won't have" to adjust the system functions to
be delivered to meet the project time and other constraints;
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 2 - Types of Agile
Prototyping - Prototypes are used to implement critical functionality to discover any
difficulties in early stage of development, and to collect user feedback in a more
interactive way; and
Facilitated Workshop - The idea of workshop is implemented to facilitate
communication and establish collaboration between users and project team.
The Unified Process (UP) is a common iterative and incremental system development
process framework which consists of four main phases. They are inception, elaboration,
construction and transition phases. These phases can be further divided into a series of
timeboxed iterations.
The Open Unified Process (OpenUP) is an open source process framework developed to
make it easier to adopt the core of the Unified Process. OpenUP preserves the
characteristics of UP including incremental development, use of cases and scenarios as well
as architecture-centric development approach.
Four core principles of OpenUP are stated below:
Collaborate to align interests and share understanding - Foster a healthy team
environment, enabling collaboration between users and project team and development
of a shared understanding of the project;
Evolve to continuously obtain feedback and improve - Allow project team to get early
and continuous feedback from users, and demonstrate incremental value to them;
Balance competing priorities to maximise stakeholder value - Allow project team and
users to develop a solution that maximises stakeholder benefits, yet is still compliant
with project constraints; and
Focus on articulating the architecture - Allow project team to focus on architecture to
support the development and to minimise project risks.
Scrum is a popular Agile method using iterative and incremental approach for system
development. It has a set of roles and practices. One major role is the “Scrum Master”,
who acts as a coach or facilitator to guide the project team and users to ensure that the Scrum
process is used properly and keep the team focus on the tasks at hand. For example, the
Scrum Master will help the project team maximise the productivity to deliver the functions
quickly, and help the “Product Owner who is the project owner or the representative of
stakeholders maintain the prioritised list of user requirements which is usually named as
"Product Backlog".
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 2 - Types of Agile
A "sprint" is the basic unit of development in Scrum, and is often referred to as a timebox
covering a constant length of period of time say for example, 2 to 4 weeks. The duration
of the sprint is often determined by the Scrum Master. Each sprint starts with a scrum
planning meeting to let users and project team identify the details of tasks to be done during
the sprint and define the criteria for accepting the work done. At the end of the sprint, a
review meeting will be held to review the progress and to approve or reject the work done
according to the pre-defined criteria.
Extreme Programming (XP) is a system development method which aims at rapid
development of high quality and productivity system at lower cost and faster responsiveness
of the programmers to changing customer requirements. XP teams often build a system in
2-week iterations, delivering working component at the end of each iteration based on user
stories that are written by users stating the requirements in a layman way.
XP is based on values of communication, simplicity, feedback, and respect and courage,
which are briefly described below:
Communication - encourages constant and close communication between users and
Simplicity - encourages development to start from a simple, planned solution and then
add extra functionality;
Feedback - provides immediate feedback from the unit testing performed by system if
an automated testing tool is used, and the functional testing performed by user;
Respect - builds up team members' respect for their unique contributions by every small
success; and
Courage - refactors code when necessary, easily evolves the code and makes small
changes on the code to support new requirements, and thus improve the overall quality.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 3 - Suitability Checklist
(a) Table 1 illustrates how the criteria are used to consider the feasibility of Agile. Agile is
considered feasible if all the criteria under this category are skewed to the right-hand side.
However, the existence of negative responses may not necessarily indicate non-feasibility.
If additional cautions are taken and potential impacts on the Agile project execution are
properly managed, Agile is still feasible for the project.
Table 1 - Feasibility Criteria
Feasibility Criteria
Project aspect
1. Project team size
Agile prefers small teams, or the large team can be divided into smaller teams.
2 Team location
Agile prefers project teams to sit together physically or at least virtual communication
tools are used for geographically distributed teams.
3. External
It is desirable that systems have low dependencies with other systems or parties (e.g. do
not rely on information provided by systems from other departments). Nevertheless,
Agile can still be used if the impacts from external dependencies are able to be foreseen
and controllable.
People aspect
4. Staff knowledge
and skills in Agile
Staff knowledge and skills on the use of Agile methodology may affect the smoothness of
Agile project delivery.
5. Staff stability
Maintain staff stability by avoiding staff turnover or ensuring effective hand-over of tasks.
6. User involvement
& interaction
Agile requires that full-time user representatives are dedicated to the project with
delegated decision power, and are willing to participate, communicate and make
authorised decisions.
Technology aspect
7. Tools availability
for solution
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 3 - Suitability Checklist
Agile requires appropriate development tools to allow for iterative development and
testing, demonstrable work products and control of versions. Code construction should be
rapid and easily testable with automated build and testing tools.
(b) The following table indicates the characteristics of a project that could benefit the most from
Table 2 - Benefit Criteria
Benefit criteria
1. Requirement
Characteristic: Requirements are volatile, i.e. there is a high possibility of changes in
user requirements, or high uncertainty in user requirements.
Benefit: The use of Agile can improve the flexibility of implementing requirement
changes because low-level requirements can be swapped rapidly.
2. Product
novelty and
Characteristic: The deliverables are new to the market or to the Government (e.g. Web
2.0, HTML5).
Benefit: As innovative product usually evolves along the implementation, detailed up-
front design is not required. Whereas, the Agile approach on design such as
modelling and prototyping techniques is more appropriate. Therefore, Agile helps
reduce SA&D lead time.
3. Time to
Characteristic: On-time / shorter time to delivery is required or highly desired.
Benefit: The nature of timeboxing approach and frequent release capability of Agile
lead to timely delivery of the product.
4. Demand for
Characteristic: Users demand for early preview of the product such as user interface
design and features as well as the progress of the project.
Benefit: Better project tracking and monitoring can be achieved with timeboxing
approach, which can help bring higher visibility to both the product and project.
5. Extensibility
Characteristic: Systems that can be built as components or require high extensibility
(e.g. a core system with incremental add-on components or features).
Benefit: Business benefits will be realised early by delivering self-contained
components with more frequent and predictable software releases using Agile.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 4 A Sample Project Schedule
The following table shows a sample project schedule with various deliverables. A
project team should suitably adjust the schedule, milestones and deliverables according
to the project nature and needs. If there are multiple releases to be rolled out to
production, some milestones (e.g. 5 to 9 as shown in the following table) may be repeated
in each release according to the project needs.
Table 3 - A Sample Project Schedule of Agile Software Development Project
End of Date
1. Project
Project Initiation Document (if project is
2. System Design
< In agile
approach, duration
for system design is
normally shorter
than the waterfall
Requirement Specification
User Requirements Document
Prioritised Requirements List
Non-functional Requirements
Future Business Process
Technical Requirements
System Specification
Functional Specification
High-level Required System Overview
High-level Functional Definition
Architecture Design
System Design
High-level Logical Data Model (e.g.
Entity Relationship Diagram, Class
User Experience (using prototyping
Technical System Option
3. Site Preparation
and Cabling
Site Specification
Accepted site
4. Procurement &
Installation of
Hardware and
Procurement Plan
Procurement Specification and/or Procurement
Hardware and Software procured, installed and
5. Program
Unit Tests and
Revised Prioritised Requirements List
Revised Prototypes/Models
Test Plan and Test Result
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 4 A Sample Project Schedule
End of Date
6. User
< In agile
approach, duration
for user acceptance
is normally shorter
than waterfall
Acceptance Test Plan for the overall system,
Specifications and Results
"Passing tests" software components
7. Training
Training Plan
Training Manual
Training Courses
Trained Users
8. Prepare System
< In agile
approach, a
minimum set of
is required, e.g.
Manual and
User Manual.
System Manual,
Manual, Data
Manual and
Manual will be
produced for
and operation
support as
Application Operation Manual
Application User Manual
<Below are for mission critical systems >
Business Impact Analysis <if not yet in place or
the reviewed one if already in place>;
Business Continuity Plan which includes a
Disaster Recovery Plan
9. System
Installation &
System Installation Plan
H/W and S/W modules in integration
System Installation Report
System roll-out and in production use
10. Nursing
System Nursing & Maintenance;
Hand-over Plan
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 4 A Sample Project Schedule
End of Date
11. Disaster
Recovery Drill
<if required>
Disaster Recovery Drill Test Report
12. Project Closure
Project Evaluation Report
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 5 Sample Professional Requirements
Appendix A for the Agile Coach
In acquiring the Agile coaching/mentoring services, it is recommended that the Agile
Coach has the following areas of experience and qualification:
(a) Possessed <xxx years> of working experience in Information Technology (IT);
(b) Delivered <xxx> IT Projects* using agile method (project management or system
development services, excluding coaching services) with each project having a
duration of <xxx>;
(c) Provided coaching services to users and/or project teams in using agile method for
<xxx> IT Projects* with each project having a duration of <xxxx>; and
(d) Awarded <xxx> of the following Agile certifications:
Certified Scrum Coach (CSC) by Scrum Alliance
Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) by Scrum Alliance
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) by Project Management Institute
* IT Project refers to a project to provide IT system implementation service(s)
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
(a) User stories act as requirements on the system, and are written in layman’s terms which
are not technical. This facilitates verbal communication between end users and project
(b) The content of a user story should include the following information:
Role of the user
Function/features the user wants to have
Benefits/achievements/reasons to have the function/feature
(c) For clarity in communication, it is suggested that the user story is presented in a structured
format as follows:
As a/an <user role>…
I want to <goal>
so that <reason>.
(d) Alternatively, user story can be written in free format to suit the project needs or user
preferences. An example of user story written in free format is shown below:
“A login password should be provided to each user to allow them to protect his/her
own user account from unauthorised access.”
(e) There is no strict rule on how a user story should be written as far as the requirements
presented are clear and capable of providing information necessary for project team to start
the timebox development.
(f) The following tables show several examples of user stories. The words that are written
in bold italic are sample contents for reference.
Table 4 - Examples of User Stories
As a/an ....
I want to...
So that...
bookmark the current page
I can quickly find the same page
next time.
change my login password
I can better protect my account.
job seeker
search the job vacancies by
a keyword
I can save time finding target job
submit my sick leave
application online
I can save time to go to the Student
Affairs Counter to submit the sick
leave application form in person.
view my projects status in
one page
I can keep track of the projects at a
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
(g) The followings are some good and bad examples of user stories.
Table 5 - Good Examples vs. Bad Examples
Good Example
Bad Example
As a Supplies Officer, I want to access the product
marketing information so that I can make a
purchasing recommendation.
As a user, I want to access the stored
information so that I can learn more.
As a conference attendee, I want to register
online so that I can save time on paperwork.
As a conference attendee, I want to click on
the Register button next to the conference
name to register online so that I can save
time on paperwork.
(h) A well-written user story should possess the following six common characteristics, with an
acronym “INVEST” for easy reference.
Table 6 - Characteristics of a Good User Story
User stories should be self-contained, independent of other user
User stories should be allowed for change and rewritten until
they start to be implemented in a timebox.
Each user story should deliver a business value to the user.
Each user story should be capable of being estimated of its size
i.e. required effort.
User stories should be small enough to fit within a timebox.
A user story needs to provide information that is necessary for
testing i.e. to make the development of tests possible.
(i) Each user story should have a story title, story content, acceptance criteria, a submitted
person, the submission date and also the last modified date. The acceptance criteria should
be written in simple language, and should not contain any technical terms.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
Table 7 - Format of A User Story
Story Title:
Title of a user story
Story Content:
The content of a user story
Acceptance Criteria:
A list of acceptance criteria for the user story
Submitted By:
Name and post/rank of a person who creates the
user story
Submitted On:
The submission date
Last Modified:
The last modified date
(j) More examples on user stories are listed below:
User Story Example 1
Story Title:
Computer Items Lending
Story Content:
As a Computer Centre Administrator, I want to process
the lending of computer items so that the computer items
lent are properly recorded and a maximum of five items
can be borrowed by one authorised staff at a point of time.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Computer items lent can be successfully recorded.
(b) Support manual input either by keyboard or by a barcode
scanner to record Staff ID and the items barcodes.
(c) An item can only be borrowed by one person at a given
(d) Alert if the item has already been borrowed by another
person at a given time.
(e) Alert if the staff ID is invalid e.g. retired, resigned,
transferred out to other B/D, etc.
(f) Alert if the staff has borrowed five items already.
(g) A maximum 5 items can be borrowed at a given time after
the input of the staff ID.
(h) The Computer Centre Administrator does not need to hit
any keystroke when using a barcode scanner unless an
alert is prompted or the lending request is to be cancelled.
Submitted By:
Mr. AAA, Computer Centre Administrator
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
User Story Example 2
Story Title:
Story Content:
As a registered user, I want my login to be validated so
that I can obtain the required access rights to perform
various user functions.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Format of the user login ID should be of the same format
as the Departmental Portal ID,
i.e.“[name].[dept/bureau]”to login. Login hints (such as
format of the login ID) should be displayed for user,
special characters should not be allowed.
(b) Login ID in other format will be rejected and display an
error message showing Invalid user login ID.
(c) Login ID should be a valid Departmental Portal ID and
should be a registered user in the system. Otherwise, an
error message You are not authorised to access the
system since you are not a registered user.”
Submitted By:
Mr. BBB, User of Division B
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
User Story Example 3
Story Title:
Reset Password
Story Content:
As a registered user, I wish I can recover my login ID
and/or password so that I can login again if my login ID
was locked by the system.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) A button to allow user to submit a request to recover login
(b) An email will be automatically sent to the User
Administrator by the system upon receipt of a password
reset request.
(c) The administrator can then unlock the user account and
randomly re-generate a new password from the system
and send it to the registered email address of the user. In
the email, the login information and new password is
listed, and a message should be stated to request user to
reset the password immediately once login the system.
(d) The login password generated by the system should be of
8 alphanumeric characters long.
Submitted By:
Mr. BBB, User of Division B
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
User Story Example 4
Story Title:
Search Computer Items
Story Content:
As a user, I want to search the computer items by selecting
an item type and/or specifying a keyword for any item with
description that contains the keyword. After searching,
a list of search results containing the matched item types
and/or item descriptions, and their corresponding
available quantities and location should be displayed. I
want to have the search results displayed in a scrollable
list for ease of navigation. When there are too many
searched items, I accept go to the next page to continue
the viewing of search result.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Search result can be displayed successfully.
(b) Paging can be performed successfully for large volume of
search results.
(c) Item details can be displayed successfully.
Submitted By:
Mr. CCC, User of Division C
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
User Story Example 5
Story Title:
Statistical Report
Story Content:
As a Computer Centre Administrator, I want to have a statistical
report on the number of transactions on lending, reservation and
renewal of computer items for a specific date range.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) The number of lending, reservations and renewals are displayed
correctly on the report.
(b) An online function for printing the report should be provided.
Submitted By:
Mr. AAA, Computer Centre Administrator
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
User Story Example 6
Story Title:
Assign case number
Story Content:
As a Supplies Officer, I want to assign an approval case number
to the current Inventory Holder who has issued a request for the
disposal of computer items so that the disposal process can be
completed following the Stores and Procurement Regulations.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) A unique case number is assigned to each disposal request.
(b) Upon receipt of a valid disposal request, trigger the flow of
disposal process, otherwise reject the invalid disposal request.
(c) Notify all related parties for the valid disposal request.
Submitted By:
Mr. SSS, Supplies Officer
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
User Story Example 7
Story Title:
History Enquiry
Story Content:
As a Supplies Officer, I want to enquire the history of
transactions so that I can view all past transactions for a
specific period of time.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Able to enquire the following transaction history for a
specific period of time:
Update of Computer Items;
Issue of Computer Items;
Hand-Over and Take- Over of Computer Items;
Transfer of Computer Items;
Trade-in of Computer Items;
Write-off of Computer Items; and
Disposal of Computer Items.
Submitted By:
Mr. SSS, Supplies Officer
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development
Appendix A 6- User Stories
User Story Example 8
Story Title:
Audit Trail Report
Story Content:
As a Supplies Officer, I want to prepare an audit trail
report so that I can trace the activities related to the
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Keep a log of user access to the login function and login.
(b) Keep a log of user retrieval and updating of computer
items information on the system.
(c) Keep a log of data changed (before and after images) for
all data updating.
Submitted By:
Mr. SSS, Supplies Officer
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
User Story Example 9
Story Title:
Duplicate Computer Item
Story Content:
As a Supplies Officer, I want to copy details of a computer item to
create another new computer item so that I can duplicate similar
item details to save input time.
Acceptance Criteria:
(a) Create a new item which is copied from another existing item with
the following information prefilled: item type, item description,
maintenance/warranty period, location, quantities, unit price,
total price, etc.
Submitted By:
Mr. SSS, Supplies Officer
Submitted On:
Last Modified:
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
(a) Besides the Agile software tools, the project team may consider to use a spreadsheet or a
worksheet to monitor the project information and progress.
(b) A spreadsheet helps maintain the user stories, PRL and tasks list and generate the burn
down charts, story boards and task boards.
(c) A spreadsheet template is prepared using some of the examples of user stories in Section
(d) The spreadsheet contains the following six worksheets covering:
S1 - Project information
S2 - PRL
S3 - PRL (with planned task)
S4 - Detailed Tasks list
S5 - Story board
S6 - Task board
(e) The sample contents which are in form of tables or charts are extracted below. Input
values for the sample contents are marked in “bold italic” and should be replaced by
project-specific information to suit specific project needs. Upon input of values, fields
shown in grey colour will be updated automatically by some pre-defined rules or formulas
set in the worksheet.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
This worksheet includes the basic project schedule, the timebox planning table and the burn
down chart.
Figure 1 - Project Information
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
7.1.1 Project Schedule
The project team should fill in the project schedule in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Project Schedule
Table 8 - Project Schedule Description
Field Name
Project Name
Fill in the name of the project.
Project Start Date*
Fill in project start date.
Estimated End Date*
Fill in project estimated end date.
Total No. of
(Excluding the
Timebox 0)
Fill in the total number of planned timeboxes for the
Last Timebox
An auto-generated field showing the velocity of last
An auto-generated field with today’s system date.
Current Timebox
Fill in the current timebox number e.g. 3 stands for the
third timebox.
Timebox Length (in
Fill in a fixed length for all timeboxes, i.e. a fixed number
of time interval in calendar days, normally ranging from
7 days (1 week) to 28 days (4 weeks).
Blocked Stories
An auto-generated field with the number of blocked user
stories when it was selected as “Blocked status at the
PRL (if any).
*Note: The format of all date fields displayed can be flexibly set, e.g. dd-mon-yy, dd-
mon-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, etc.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
7.1.2 Timebox Planning Table
The project start date in Figure 2 will be automatically copied as the Start Date of Timebox
0 in Figure 3 in the worksheet. Project team should fill in the start date of all timeboxes
throughout the timebox period until all timeboxes are completed.
Figure 3 - Timebox Planning Table
*Note: This is an example of using story points to represent the effort of tasks. Project
teams can also use man-days instead of story points in estimating the staff effort. Story
points or man-days are simply two different units of measurements used to express how
much staff effort is required to complete the planned user stories in a timebox. The
calculation formula used in the spreadsheet will remain unchanged.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Table 9 - Timebox Schedule Information
Field Name
An auto-generated field to indicate the sequence number of
each timebox.
Start Date
Fill in the start date of each timebox (except the first one
which was copied from the project start date provided in
Figure 2).
End Date
An auto-generated field with the end date of each timebox.
Estimated Points
Initial No. of
Fill in the total no. of points planned in each timebox, which
is roughly estimated at the Release Planning meeting and
can be revised before the timebox starts.
No. of Points Will
be Completed
Fill in the estimated no. of points that will be completed in
each timebox.
No. of Points
Auto-generated fields showing the estimated no. of points
remained (i.e. Initial No. of Points minus No. of Points will
be Completed) in each timebox.
Actual Points
No. of Points
Fill in the actual no. of points completed (i.e. done) for the
Accumulated No.
of Points
Auto-generated fields showing the accumulated total no. of
points that were completed from timebox 0 to the end of the
current timebox.
Actual No. of
Points Remaining
Auto-generated fields showing the accumulated total no. of
points left (i.e. Initial No. of Points minus Accumulated No.
of Points Completed) in each timebox.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
7.1.3 Burn Down Chart
(a) A burn down chart shown in Figure 4 will be auto-generated based on the information in
Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Figure 4 - A Burn Down Chart
(b) The chart shows two running down lines for the planned estimated points (planned line)
and the actual completed points (actual line) respectively. The amount of work left (i.e. the
work that needs to be completed for the project) is shown on the vertical axis, while the
project timeline is shown along the horizontal x-axis.
(c) The actual line and the planned line initially start at the same point. As time progresses,
the actual line fluctuates above or below the planned line depending on how effective the
team is. If the actual line is above the planned line, it means that there is more work left
than originally estimated and the project is behind schedule. On the other hand, if the
actual line is below the planned line, it means that there is less work left than originally
estimated and the project is thus ahead of schedule.
(d) Besides the above tables for project management, BA should help users fill in a PRL based
on the defined user stories. A PRL contains the user story name, acceptance criteria,
priority (or business value) and assumption. A sample PRL is shown in Figure 4.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
BA should copy the user stories from the PRL which was confirmed by users at the Release
Planning meeting, into the worksheet. This list should be continuously updated by the
BA throughout the timebox period if there are any changes in the user stories. The project
team will make use of the information to update the corresponding planning tasks after
discussion in the timebox planning meeting.
Figure 5 - Prioritised Requirements List
Table 10 - Prioritised Requirements List Description
Column Name
Story Title
The name of a user story
Story Content
The content of a user story
Acceptance Criteria
The detailed acceptance criteria for the user story such as
business rules, validation checks, processing, input
to/output from the user story, and so on.
The value of relative importance of the user story, which
can be assigned with values such as “Must-have”, Should-
have”, “Could-have”, “Won’t-have”, or with relative
numbers, say 1 to 5.
Assumptions or remarks of the user story.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
During the timebox period, the project team should update information related to the
planned tasks for the user stories such as the planned story points or man-days estimated
for each user story, the assigned programmer name and project status in the worksheet.
This list should be continuously updated by the project team throughout the timebox period.
Figure 6 - Prioritised Requirements List (with planned tasks)
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Table 11 - Planned Tasks Description
Column Name
Story ID
A unique sequence ID assigned to each user story.
A timebox number assigned to each user story during
the Release Planning meeting.
Story Title*
The name of a user story
Acceptance Criteria*
The detailed acceptance criteria for the user story such
as business rules, validation checks, processing, input
to/output from the user story, and so on.
The value of relative importance of the user story
which could be assigned with values such as “Must-
have”, “Should-have”, “Could-have”, “Won’t-have”,
or with relative numbers, say 1 to 5.
Assumptions or remarks of the user story.
Planned number of
Story points (man-days)
The total estimated effort required in terms of story
points (or man-days) for the user story.
Assigned To
The name of the project team member i.e. the
programmer/SA who has been assigned to implement
this user story.
“Yes” if the user story was finally identified as blocked
i.e. could not be done at the end of the timebox.
Default value is “No”.
External Dependency
The external dependency affecting the progress of the
user story. Default value is “N/A”.
(e.g. the development task of a planned function to
capture a scanned image of a document could only be
done after the bar code scanner has been delivered.)
The progress of the user story such as “Defined”, “To
Do”, “In Progress”, “Tested”, “Done”, “Removed”.
Creation Date
The creation date of the user story
Last Updated Date
The last updated date of the user story
*Note: The columns are initially copied from the PRL shown in Figure 5 and project
team will have to update the user stories in the list during the timebox period if there are
any changes.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Each user story will be broken down into detailed tasks for implementation. The project
team should fill in the tasks list and maintain the progress of each individual task as well
as the overall progress of the user story in the PRL in Figure 5 accordingly.
Figure 7 - Detailed Tasks List
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Table 12 - Detailed Tasks List Description
Column Name
A timebox number assigned to each user story during the
Release Planning meeting.
Task ID
A unique sequence ID assigned to each task
Story ID
A unique sequence ID assigned to each user story.
Story Title
The name of the user story.
The detailed task description with detailed requirements
and acceptance criteria.
Assigned To
The name of the project team member i.e. the
programmer/SA who has been assigned to implement the
detailed task of the user story. Normally, all tasks of a user
story will be assigned to the same person.
Planned number of
man-days (Points)
The estimated effort required for the detailed task in terms
of man-days (or story points).
“Yes” if the detailed task of the user story was identified as
blocked, i.e. could not be done within the schedule.
Default value is “No”.
The external dependency affecting the progress of the user
story. Default value is “N/A”.
(e.g. the development task of a planned function to capture
a scanned image of a document could only be done after the
bar code scanner has been delivered.)
The progress of the user story such as “Defined”, “To Do”,
“In Progress”, “Tested”, “Done”, “Removed”.
Creation Date
The date of user story creation.
Last Updated Date
The last updated date of user story.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Based on the project progress updated at the PRL in Figure 6, a story board will be
generated automatically as shown in Figure 8 below.
Figure 8 - A Story Board
Table 13 - A Story Board Description
Column Name
Outstanding user story.
To Do
The task was assigned to a programmer/SA and planned to
be done at the current timebox.
In Progress
The task was being implemented.
Testing was being performed.
The user story was completed and tested.
The user story was removed (i.e. withdrawn) from the PRL.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 7 - A Sample Spreadsheet for
Appendix A Agile Project Management
Based on the project progress updated on the detailed tasks list in Figure 7, a task board
will be generated automatically as shown in Figure 9 below.
Figure 9 - A Task Board
Table 14 - A Task Board Description
Column Name
Corresponding Story
The user story for the detailed task.
To Do
The detailed task was assigned to a programmer/SA, and
planned to be done at the current timebox.
In Progress
The task was being implemented.
Testing was being performed.
The user story was tested and completed.
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 8 Design Thinking
Appendix A
Design Thinking (DT) is an approach of understanding customer problems and innovating
solutions for them. DT empathises with customer needs, generates manifold possible
solutions, creates multiple prototypes, and tolerates failures to ultimately arrive at an end
products or services that offer customers simple solutions to their unmet or real needs.
For DT, the members of cross functional teams perform user research, gather business
needs and discuss technology possibilities. For Agile, this translates into creating
backlogs, writing user stories and determining success metrics. Both embraces iteration as
part of the process and therefore establish ongoing refinement to optimise the business
value. Both are stimulated by members in cross-functional teams which stimulate cross-
functional solutions for products and services.
Table 15 - Five Steps in Design Thinking
Empathise & Observe
What does customer care about most?
Immerse in the experience of the user and understand
through observation and interaction. Identify the
emotional as well as the functional needs of the users—
what are their desires, aspirations, concerns?
What are customer's unmet needs
Define a problem to tackle. Seek to frame efforts so as
not to limit ideas and define the problem and arrive at a
problem statement which will give the necessary
direction to proceed towards the issue faced by the
What product or service would most effectively meet
customer's unmet or real needs?
Diversify and explore a large variety of ideas.
Encourages unconstrained ideation that is, the
encouragement of all ideas no matter how
unconventional. DT attempts to avoid that by opening
up the ideation stage across business functions and
inviting everyone to suggest solutions.
How can I best illustrate my solution to my customer?
Practice Guide for Agile Software Development 8 Design Thinking
Appendix A
Create the ideas to tangible forms so that users can
experience and interact with it. Prototype the best and
most promising concepts. In this stage, instead of a
sophisticated prototype, designers should be empowered
to create any number of rough prototypes. This rapid,
iterative process filters out unsuccessful ideas quickly,
leaving room for more promising ideas to take shape.
Test & Refine
What worked? What didn't work? How can I make it
The idea that seems the best according to the feedback of
the customers and end users in the prototype phase will
be executed. In this step, the design thinkers are
supposed to be collaborative and agile. After testing,
the entire process of DT may have to be repeated. If the
end user approves the solution, then the process of DT
stops here.