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Honors Expanded Learning Clubs Honors Program
Fall 2022
Spanish Cultural Club Spanish Cultural Club
Carolina Barraza
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Katya Reason
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Barraza, Carolina and Reason, Katya, "Spanish Cultural Club" (2022).
Honors Expanded Learning Clubs
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Name of Club:
Spanish Cultural Afterschool Club
Age/Grade Level:
Number of Attendees: (ideal number)
16 students
Goal of the Club: (learning objectives/outcomes)
The goal of this club is for students to learn useful Spanish words and phrases and to gain an
understanding of Latin American culture.
Resources: (Information for club provided by)
Ideas from Elementary teacher plans and various teaching websites
Content Areas: (check all that apply)
Arts (Visual, Music, Theater &Performance)
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering &Math)
Social Studies
Wellness (Physical Education, Health, Nutrition &Character Education)
Outputs or final products: (Does the club have a final product/project to showcase to community?)
The students did not work towards a specific final project but rather a greater understanding of
the Spanish language and culture.
Introducing your Club/Activities:
The Spanish Cultural Club educates students on a foreign language and culture through engaging
lessons and hands-on activities.
General Directions:
Teach vocabulary/cultural themed lessons while students follow along practicing pronunciation
and writing vocabulary on worksheets. In addition, incorporate games and activities to solidify
their understanding.
Make sure you have a backup game or activity if students finish quicker than expected or become
disinterested. For example, you can have an open question time at the end of class where students
ask leaders on topic questions, or you can have an end of class review session of concepts learned
in previous weeks.
Lesson Activity
Basic Greetings
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Nametags (Mi nombre es)
Colored writing utensils
Leaders introduces themselves and get to know the class. Teach the meaning of the phrase “mi
nombre es”. Introduce basic conversation questions and answers like how are you, I’m good/bad,
what’s your name, esc. Form groups and have students ask each other these questions. Finally
create and decorate name tags.
Conclusion of the activity:
Give students a rough outline of what next class will look like.
Parts of activity that worked:
Students enjoyed coloring.
Parts of activity that did not work:
It was difficult getting the class to be quiet or not speak out of turn when giving the lesson and
saying vocabulary in unison.
Lesson Activity
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Worksheets Spanish actions worksheets
Writing utensils
Review basic greetings from last time. Then hand out worksheets/paper for students to write
down vocabulary on. Then read through the varies verbs and write them on the board as well,
having the students practice their pronunciation. After completing the sheet play Simon says
(Simon dice) with the verbs the students learned.
Conclusion of the activity:
Tidy up the classroom and pack up to leave.
Parts of activity that worked:
Students enjoyed playing Simon says
Parts of activity that did not work:
Lesson took less time than expected and there was a bit of downtime at the end
Lesson Activity
Day of the Dead
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Coloring sheets Sugar skulls printouts
Colored pencils/crayons/markers
Create a brief lecture on how Day of the Dead is different than Halloween. Introduce vocabulary
such as, sugar skulls and altars to the students. Explain traditions people participate in during Day
of the Dead, such as visiting cemeteries. Then give students the coloring sheets and put on
background videos such as traditional dances done on Day of the Dead
( ).
Conclusion of the activity:
Collect drawing supplies and pick up classroom.
Parts of activity that worked:
Students enjoyed coloring and watching videos.
Parts of activity that did not work:
We should have had a kid-friendly music playlist ready for after the videos were done.
Lesson Activity
Day of the Dead Part 2
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Tissue paper
Worksheet Day of the Dead Vocab
Writing utensils
Start by reviewing Day of the Dead vocabulary that was taught in the last lesson. Offer students
pre-made vocabulary worksheets so they can keep the words and definitions. Then explain what
papel picado is. Show explains on the projector. Give the students the tissue paper and scissors
and aloe them to make their own. Afterwards, you can have them present their papel picados to
the class.
Conclusion of the activity:
We presented papel picados and cleaned up classroom.
Parts of activity that worked:
Students had a fun time designing and presenting their papel picados. And the activity ran the
right amount of time.
Parts of activity that did not work:
Some of the scissors did not cut the tissue paper well. We also wanted to play a Day of the Dead
related movie, but it would not load on the computer.
Lesson Activity
Decorating Calavera Sugar Cookies
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Calavera cookie kits, paper towels, and napkins.
Set up the paper towels on the kids’ desk. Meanwhile, one leader is handing out the cookies and
the decorations, the other leader will review over the Day of the Dead traditions. While the kids
decorate the cookies, watch either the movie Coco or listen to Latin music. After everyone is
done, eat the cookies and clean up!
Conclusion of the activity:
The kids enjoyed creating calavera sugar cookies. They learned more about the traditions of the
Day of the Dead.
Parts of activity that worked:
The kids really enjoyed decorating their sugar cookie. Since, we had two extra cookies, we had a
little contest testing them on their knowledge they had learned about Day of the Dead. We asked
questions about terms we learned the previous weeks. It was great to see how much the kids
learned while having a fun competition.
Parts of activity that did not work:
Decorating cookies can be messy. We would advise to get little bowls for each table for the cookie
decorations and extra sprinkles from the ones that come in the cookie kits.
Lesson Activity
Sports Charades
Length of Activity:
40 minutes
Sports presentation- Spanish Club, Sports Vocab, Charades,
Discuss geographically where Latin America is. Discuss the most popular sport, soccer. Then talk
about country-specific popular sports. Give out the vocab sheet and go through and pronounce
words on the sheet. Students will come upfront of class one at a time and have them act out a
sport from their vocab list or list on the board. Have the other students guess in Spanish what
sport the student is acting.
Conclusion of the activity:
We decided to have a competition for the students to test their knowledge of the vocab we taught
Parts of activity that worked:
We were excited that the projector worked, so we were able to project the slideshow that was
created. In addition, kids enjoyed the game and were eager to participate when it came to earning
Parts of activity that did not work:
While the material was very informative, we learned that hands-on is the way to go. While we try
to split half for the lesson and half for the activity, I think 15 minutes or less is the time span that
they focus on before they want to play.
Lesson Activity
Interactive Map Activity with Directions
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Maps, Handout with directions
The students learned basic directions in Spanish using the handout. To apply the concept, the
students will work together to find directions to places. Pair the students in groups and give them
a map. Then, give them directions to find specific places on the map.
Conclusion of the activity:
The students were challenged to see which team could find directions to a specific spot the fastest
during the last few minutes of the class.
Parts of activity that worked:
The kids really enjoyed working together as teams during the map game. It really helped that I
created the instructions for the map ahead of time for the activity to flow smoothly. In addition,
the kids were very attentive and focused during the lesson.
Parts of activity that did not work:
Recommend creating teams beforehand to speed up putting them in teams.
Lesson Activity
Learn Commands with Matching Game
Length of Activity:
45 minutes
Vocab Sheets, Matching Game, Scissors
The students will learn commands in Spanish that are useful for finding locations. Then, the
students will cut out the activity sheet and play a matching game with their table partner.
Conclusion of the activity:
The students played a game to see who could match their pictures to the phrase the fastest. Lastly,
they asked any questions before we wrapped up the class.
Parts of activity that worked:
The students enjoyed working with their table partners and learning phrases they can use while
Parts of activity that did not work:
The activity was shorter than expected, so we should have added another portion to the activity.